All About the Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed
The Alaskan Malamute is a native to the United States.
They are the oldest Arctic dog breed in the world.
The Nordic Inuit tribe the Malamutes developed this breed as a working dog.
They were used to pull sleds.
Later this breed was used as hunting dogs as well.
The Alaskan Malamute can be compared to a Clydesdale Horse.
It is built to be strong, athletic, and to have endurance.
They generally grow to be between 23 and 28 inches tall and weigh between 85 and 125 pounds.
They have a double layer coat.
The top coat is thick and coarse, while their undercoat is plush and soft.
Their coat colors are variegated with white, black and gray.
Behavior and characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute This is a friendly breed of dog that makes a great family pet.
They have a natural babysitter personality when housed with children.
However, they do not like to be around other pets, especially other dogs.
They are a smart breed that can learn quickly, however, they get bored easily so you will need to challenge their minds as much as possible to keep them motivated.
Obedience training is required for this breed to keep them manageable.
Care and grooming for the Alaskan Malamute To care for this breed you will need to brush their coats once a week.
Because their coat is so thick you will need to take extra precautions to protect them from pest infestations.
Some of the health concerns that affect this breed include growth problems, eye problems, and hip dysplasia.
They are the oldest Arctic dog breed in the world.
The Nordic Inuit tribe the Malamutes developed this breed as a working dog.
They were used to pull sleds.
Later this breed was used as hunting dogs as well.
The Alaskan Malamute can be compared to a Clydesdale Horse.
It is built to be strong, athletic, and to have endurance.
They generally grow to be between 23 and 28 inches tall and weigh between 85 and 125 pounds.
They have a double layer coat.
The top coat is thick and coarse, while their undercoat is plush and soft.
Their coat colors are variegated with white, black and gray.
Behavior and characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute This is a friendly breed of dog that makes a great family pet.
They have a natural babysitter personality when housed with children.
However, they do not like to be around other pets, especially other dogs.
They are a smart breed that can learn quickly, however, they get bored easily so you will need to challenge their minds as much as possible to keep them motivated.
Obedience training is required for this breed to keep them manageable.
Care and grooming for the Alaskan Malamute To care for this breed you will need to brush their coats once a week.
Because their coat is so thick you will need to take extra precautions to protect them from pest infestations.
Some of the health concerns that affect this breed include growth problems, eye problems, and hip dysplasia.