Is Jon Snow permanently dead?
The Game of ThronesSeason 5 finale has caused perhaps the largest number of debates and articles I've ever seen written about the series. That's saying something given the HBO drama has inspired a not insignificant amount of controversy over the past five years. The incident that has caused so much scrutiny? The death of Jon Snow. Is he really gone forever? Is every cast member who said he's not coming back lying?
If he's actually dead, why has Kit Harington been spotted in Belfast recently? Let's discuss the possibilities and take recent comments from HBO programming president Michael Lombardo into consideration.
Jon Snow seemingly died at the hands of his Night's Watch brothers. Snow was never really what I would call popular with the group. Lord Commander Mormont liked him, so did Maester Aemon, and a handful of his peers were on board. However, if Jon Snow had a high school yearbook, not all the brothers would sign it.
Once Jon decided to form an alliance with Tormund Giantsbane to bring Wildlings south of The Wall for their benefit and also so they could help Westeros fight against the White Walkers when winter arrives, the brothers were over it. For many, it was a traitorous action. They couldn't see the good Jon was trying to achieve, only that he was assisting their enemy -- an enemy who had killed their brothers. Those who didn't agree with his action tricked Jon and then surrounded him and stabbed him.
It wasn't the kind of killing that leaves wiggle room.
However, it's Jon Snow. Neither Game of Thrones nor A Song of Ice and Fire (which, by the way, doesn't provide the answer to the Snow mystery) shrinks away from killing off major or fan favorite characters but getting rid of this one seems like an unlikely move. It's a popular fan theory that Jon is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and that he's one of the characters that survives to the end. There were just enough comments about whether Jon's a bastard and about Rhaegar and Lyanna over Season 5 to make me raise my eyebrow.
If Jon is a Targaryen, there's the possibility for him to survive the funeral pyre -- assuming the Night's Watch follows that tradition. If they shirk that tradition out of spite or because they don't think Jon deserves it, Jon could rise as a White Walker. And let's not forget that Melisandre rather conveniently showed up at The Wall just before the murder went down. And let's also not forget Harington has been spotted in the town where Game of Thrones films and that he still seems to have Jon Snow length hair (there's a clause in his contract that prevents Harington from cutting his hair while he has the role).
For all the evidence and wishful thinking in the "Jon Snow's still alive" camp, there is the fact that cast members and others have said he's dead. Others like Lombardo. At the Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour this week, he said the following about Jon: "Dead is dead is dead is dead. He be dead... Everything I've seen and heard and read, Jon Snow is indeed dead."
I actually don't disagree with that. I think Jon Snow is dead... at the moment. It doesn't mean it will stick or that he won't be resurrected. That caveat means anyone involved with the series wouldn't technically be lying by saying Jon is dead. Of course, there's no reason they have to be honest.