How to Make a Medieval Archer's Armor
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Leather Images
Cut off the bottom band of the sweatshirt at the seam and discard the band. Remove the sleeves in the same way. This garment, now resembling a sleeveless tunic, will serve as your leather armor. - 2
Bow and ArrowHemera Technologies/ Images
To make the arrow holder, paint the oatmeal box brown and allow to dry. Trim the fabric belt to the desired length. Using hot glue, attach the fabric belt to the oatmeal box at both the top and bottom. Allow to cool. Place the dowels in the oatmeal container. - 3). Put on tights, homespun shirt and brown sweatshirt armor. Pull the sweatshirt down low, resembling a tunic. Wrap a brown leather belt around your waist.
- 4). Along the seam, cut open the sweatshirt sleeves. Place the elbow area of the sleeves over the knees of the tights. Wrap the fabric around each knee and tie it in a knot behind the knees. Trim the remainder so that no more than 3 inches remains. This is your knee armor.
- 5). Put on your boots and pick up your bow. Your costume is now ready.