Verse of the Day: Be Holy - 1 Peter 1:15
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Today's Bible Verse:
1 Peter 1:15... but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct ...(ESV)
Today's Inspiring Thought: Be Holy
God is holy. He is our model or standard for holy living as demonstrated through Jesus Christ. Complete holiness, however, is something we will never achieve in this life on earth. Yet, in all areas we should be desiring to let the Holy Spirit work his sanctification process in us.
Perhaps you're a brand new believer, and God's holiness seems too overwhelming. Well, that's the perfect place to start—in awe of God's holiness. Take it one step, one area, one day at a time, letting God lead. We will always live in awe of God's pure holiness, even as he cleanses and changes us from the inside out.
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