Types of Insurance Claims
- Hospitalized patients need to file a health insurance claim after their visit.patient image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.com
An insurance claim is a request for benefits that a policyholder makes to his insurance company. The policyholder should file the claim before paying for expenses out-of-pocket. An insurance company may or may not approve a claim after making a thorough investigation of it. - In the event that an automotive accident occurs, you need to file an insurance claim. There are different categories of roadside insurance claims that include motor policy, personal accident policy, hospitalization policy, loss of income and third-party motor claim. These insurance claims are dependent on the circumstances of the roadside or automobile accident. In order to file for any of these claims, you need to have the following documents: a copy of the police report, a copy of your identity card, a copy of your driving license, a copy of your vehicle's registration, your motor insurance company and medical reports and claims. You need additional copies of the other person's police report, police sketch plan and key and photographs of the accident.
- Health insurance claims are for doctor visits, hospital visits and health services or procedures. Be aware that there are two types of health insurance claims--HCFA 1500 forms and UB92 forms. HCFA 1500 forms are for services provided by your physician. UB92 forms are for services at a hospital or clinical facility. Medical billers are sometimes responsible for submitting these forms to your health insurance company, although you may choose to submit the claim yourself.
The health insurance claims department takes the time to process the health insurance claim. They determine the bill to see if the services and procedures are payable depending on the type of insurance policy you have. Make sure to have your health insurance claim filed one year after receiving medical attention. Health insurance companies can deny claims for untimely filing or incomplete information. - In the event that you lose your job, you may file an unemployment insurance claim. Unemployment insurance claims provide weekly payments for those who lost their job at no fault of their own, such as layoffs. Be aware that regulations for filing unemployment insurance claims vary by state. Some basic requirements include being completely unemployed or working less than full-time, actively looking for work and having worked in the past 18 months. Unemployed individuals can file for claims by visiting their unemployment office or through the unemployment agency's telephone or website. Some pertinent information you need in order to file such a claim includes your identification, your last employer information and reason for losing your job, any payments you are receiving from your employer and whether you are able to work in the United States.
Automobile Insurance Claims
Health Insurance Claims
Unemployment Insurance Claims