How to Install Paperbacked Glass Tile
- 1). Wash the surface with trisodium phosphate using a sponge or rag. Rinse with plain water and dry thoroughly before proceeding.
- 2). Measure the height of your tile sheet. Mark this height on the wall where you want to install the tile. Use a ruler and level to make a straight line across the wall for a guide.
- 3). Peel the paper backing off the glass sheets and line it up with the pencil mark so it is straight. Press the tile in place.
- 4). Continue laying the tile until you can't put any more whole pieces of tile in place.
- 5). Fill in small areas by measuring the area and cutting the tile sheet to fit, using a utility knife. Glass tile sheets have small tiles on them so you can cut around each tile. Press the cut pieces into the new position.
- 6). Check your work to make sure all the sheets are snugly against the wall.