4 Moves To Almost Guarantee A Slow Home Sale
Its a tough job to sell a house in todays market. There are fewer qualified buyers, housing prices are down, and the buyers who are out there are looking for bargains. They are also pretty picky about what they want to find in a home.
When it comes to selling a home, what you do and how you do it can directly impact whether you can sell your home as well as how long it takes. A real estate company will expect you to work hard at packaging your property, but they will only advise you about what to do. They will not do the work for you, even to earn their 6%. A home stager will want to be paid for everything they do to help make your house marketable and make you work, too.
But maybe you need all the money you can get for your house. Maybe you really cant afford to pay for all these so-called experts.
Here are some things to avoid if you want the fastest sale possible.
1.Fail to clean up. Cleaning is one of those things you have to do to sell a house. A dirty house will sit on the marketforever...and ever...and ever You might be able to sell a dirty house if you price it right, but be prepared to gut the price. People dont want to clean up your dirt without some real incentive.
2.Price your house too high. Yes, maybe the new houses down the road are selling for big money. But any new house has nothing to do with the price of an old house. Its like used cars. As soon as you drive them off the lot they are used and worth less $$$. Its also true that current market conditions may either negatively or positively affect the value of your property. The boom is over. Get used to it.
3.Fail to advertise. Real estate companies have slashed advertising budgets. You can get the word out by telling all your friends and coworkers that your house is for sale. Your neighbors may want to pick their new neighbor. Check out local papers and anything else that occurs to you. Make a video and put it on the net.
4.Not making it easy for people to come see your house. Lookers cant buy your house if they cant look at it. They will just move on to the next property. If you cant get them in the door, you cant sell.
Selling a house is a difficult task these days and selling a house quickly is really tough. A lot of the work will be yours to do whether you hire a real estate company or not.
A great way to make your property more attractive to buyers is to offer owner financing. Forget granite counter tops. Money considerations take precedence over dcor. If you have a good bit of equity in your home you may be able to find a buyer who cant meet banker standards but can still pay for a home. Get a good down payment, check credit and charge enough interest to make the note into something you may be able to sell later.
When it comes to selling a home, what you do and how you do it can directly impact whether you can sell your home as well as how long it takes. A real estate company will expect you to work hard at packaging your property, but they will only advise you about what to do. They will not do the work for you, even to earn their 6%. A home stager will want to be paid for everything they do to help make your house marketable and make you work, too.
But maybe you need all the money you can get for your house. Maybe you really cant afford to pay for all these so-called experts.
Here are some things to avoid if you want the fastest sale possible.
1.Fail to clean up. Cleaning is one of those things you have to do to sell a house. A dirty house will sit on the marketforever...and ever...and ever You might be able to sell a dirty house if you price it right, but be prepared to gut the price. People dont want to clean up your dirt without some real incentive.
2.Price your house too high. Yes, maybe the new houses down the road are selling for big money. But any new house has nothing to do with the price of an old house. Its like used cars. As soon as you drive them off the lot they are used and worth less $$$. Its also true that current market conditions may either negatively or positively affect the value of your property. The boom is over. Get used to it.
3.Fail to advertise. Real estate companies have slashed advertising budgets. You can get the word out by telling all your friends and coworkers that your house is for sale. Your neighbors may want to pick their new neighbor. Check out local papers and anything else that occurs to you. Make a video and put it on the net.
4.Not making it easy for people to come see your house. Lookers cant buy your house if they cant look at it. They will just move on to the next property. If you cant get them in the door, you cant sell.
Selling a house is a difficult task these days and selling a house quickly is really tough. A lot of the work will be yours to do whether you hire a real estate company or not.
A great way to make your property more attractive to buyers is to offer owner financing. Forget granite counter tops. Money considerations take precedence over dcor. If you have a good bit of equity in your home you may be able to find a buyer who cant meet banker standards but can still pay for a home. Get a good down payment, check credit and charge enough interest to make the note into something you may be able to sell later.