How to Add Line to a Telescoping Fishing Rod
- 1). Remove all the old line from the reel. Dispose of the old line in a safe place. Never leave old fishing line in the field where wildlife could become entangled or choke on tangles of monofilament.
- 2). Insert a pencil or wooden dowel through the hole in the center of a spool of new line to create a wheel, with the pencil or dowel serving as an axle. Line test of 8- to 10 lbs. is more than enough for an ultralight, telescoping fishing rod. The lighter the line test, the more line you will be able to store on the reel.
- 3). Thread the new line through the guides of the telescoping fishing pole.
- 4). Tie the end of the new line to the reel spool by first wrapping the line a few revolutions around the spool and tying it off with an overhand knot.
- 5). Clip the loose end of the line near the knot.
- 6). Have someone hold the axle and new spool of line, turning the spool so that the line peels off clockwise in the same direction as the fishing reel will rotate to pick up the line.
- 7). Crank the handle of the spinning reel to load new line on the spool. Crank at a steady pace, but not so fast as to make the spool of new line fly off the axle.
- 8). Add line until the monofilament reaches the full mark on the underside of the spool.
- 9). Clip the line about a foot from the tip of the telescoping rod and tie a snap swivel to the end.
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Collapse the fishing pole and clip the snap swivel to the lead guide until you are ready to go fishing.