Interesting Thanksgiving Trivia
The mere mention of the word "Thanksgiving" would mean delicious food and dessert and not to forget roasted turkey for most Americans.
Although food is an important part of the holiday, the real meaning of the occasion is the time for family and friends to thank God for all the blessing that they have received.
Celebrating Thanksgiving is an important part American's culture.
If you are planning to make the celebration of your Thanksgiving fun, here are some interesting facts about the occasion that you can share with your loved ones during the event.
• In 1621, the first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by pilgrims.
It was reported that the celebration lasted for three days.
• The Pilgrims were originally called as Puritans.
• Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on Thursday for the reasons that this is the mid-prayer week for the Puritans.
• The person who is behind the declaration of Thanksgiving Day as national holiday is Sarah Hale.
She was an editor of a woman's magazine who wrote to the US congress to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.
She kept sending the letter to the congress for several years.
• The US president who declared Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday was Abraham Lincoln.
Before that, Thanksgiving Day was only celebrated whenever a state governor wishes to.
• The wishbone of a Turkey is regarded as a good luck charm so make sure to get it.
• The world renowned Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren ate roasted Turkey when they landed on the moon.
It was their very first meal on the moon.
Although food is an important part of the holiday, the real meaning of the occasion is the time for family and friends to thank God for all the blessing that they have received.
Celebrating Thanksgiving is an important part American's culture.
If you are planning to make the celebration of your Thanksgiving fun, here are some interesting facts about the occasion that you can share with your loved ones during the event.
• In 1621, the first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by pilgrims.
It was reported that the celebration lasted for three days.
• The Pilgrims were originally called as Puritans.
• Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on Thursday for the reasons that this is the mid-prayer week for the Puritans.
• The person who is behind the declaration of Thanksgiving Day as national holiday is Sarah Hale.
She was an editor of a woman's magazine who wrote to the US congress to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.
She kept sending the letter to the congress for several years.
• The US president who declared Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday was Abraham Lincoln.
Before that, Thanksgiving Day was only celebrated whenever a state governor wishes to.
• The wishbone of a Turkey is regarded as a good luck charm so make sure to get it.
• The world renowned Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren ate roasted Turkey when they landed on the moon.
It was their very first meal on the moon.