Welcome to Lesson 11 of the No Anxiety Or Panic Coaching Course!
Today's Topic - Tips Today I'd like to impart several tips that I found to be invaluable.
At first glance, they may seem unimportant or trivial, but I can assure you they are very powerful.
Move around every 45 minutes If you work at a desk, you absolutely have to get up every 45 minutes.
The reason is your body becomes accustomed to the position you are in and all of your support muscles lock in that position.
See, you have two types of muscles: beach muscles and support muscles.
The beach muscles are the ones everyone tries to work out.
Your support muscles are the ones that you can't see, but that is where all of your balance, coordination and stamina come from.
Most people who work at a desk slouch.
After long periods of slouching, all of your support muscles tighten and seem to want to hold this position.
Ideally you would sit up straight all day, but unfortunately most people's desks and chairs are either not ergonomic, or are set up improperly.
This means you need to stretch out those invisible support muscles and keep them from tightening up.
That's why you MUST stand up and walk around every 45 minutes.
When I was 20, I would have laughed at someone who told me this.
Now that I'm 40, I know better! You have to stretch your body regularly.
Otherwise, your muscles are going to cramp up and you are going to have odd body aches and pains.
Remember, play the odds! The odds of weird body aches are 75% if you don't get up every 45 minutes and stretch.
Just to be clear, I'm not telling you to walk around the office and talk to everyone for 15 minutes.
No, I'm saying you should stand up, stretch, go get some water, or use the bathroom, come back to your desk maybe do another quick stretch and begin working again.
Your boss won't mind this or ever need to know.
Finally, smokers ALWAYS take their 15 minute break every 2 hours.
For some reason, non-smokers most often work through them.
Even as a non-smoker, you should be taking your 15 minute break every two hours and walking around outside for a minute and stretching.
Don't watch the news If there is something really important happening in your city or town, you will find out about it! You don't need to watch the news at all! And if you are wanting peace of mind, you better not be.
I know that watching the news is addictive.
I was hooked on it for a long time.
I just had to watch it every day.
Then, I started watching different types of news shows.
I was spending at least 2.
5 hours a day watching news.
Every day I would get more and more mad! I would get so upset with congress, the governor, the president, the state legislature, everyone.
My wife and I would have long discussions about how stupid these people are and how they are ruining our country and how they were misspending our tax dollars, etc.
Then I realized, I'm an idiot for watching this every day.
All it's doing is upsetting me and if I'm not going to do anything to fix the situation, I am just building stress for no reason.
I started to realize that the news shows aren't trying to educate after all, they are trying to entertain.
Only entertaining shows with a large audience get advertisers.
These stations need to make money from these shows.
Therefore, they are going to do everything they can to hook you and keep you watching.
They do this by playing to your emotions.
I wanted to validate my theory, so I watched for a week with a critical eye.
Here are the emotions they very successfully elicited in me in 30 minutes: Anger Fear Disgust Outrage Shock Horror Confusion I know for a fact that these emotions are destructive for the general population.
People who suffer from anxiety should absolutely stay away from these emotions.
It's easy to do.
Don't watch the news! You get out what you put in A very nice woman asked me how long it would take for her to be panic and anxiety free while following my course.
I asked her what her experiences thus far had been.
She said that she hadn't had a panic attack after reading my book, but that she hadn't felt completely comfortable in her own body yet either.
I said that is understandable due to her having panic attacks of varying degrees almost daily for several years.
She said, "well, I hope it works.
" I told her, and I want to tell you: You get out what you put in! Now some people would say, "oh yeah I know that!" and continue to not read these coaching lessons, not meditate daily, still smoke, still eat poorly and still be panic stricken.
These people might not understand what I mean by "you get out what you put in" so let me explain it clearly and you will understand it completely.
There are two things you need to accomplish any goal in your life: Action and Belief.
Let me say that again.
Action and Belief! If you want to change consciously, but your actions are not carrying you closer to the change you want, it means one thing: you don't believe you can change.
With every goal in your life, including overcoming panic and anxiety, you need to believe that you can achieve it.
Then, you need to take the steps required to achieve it.
You cannot "see how it goes" or "hope for the best.
" You either do it, or you don't.
My coaching course and book lay out the framework that you need to completely eliminate panic and anxiety from your life forever.
It also gives you the coping methods and strategies to deal with and release any temporary stress you face.
It absolutely works! How fast does it work? That is up to you.
I know people who have felt better as soon as they read the book.
Other people have taken a couple days.
Some, it took a week to two weeks.
It took me 1 month.
It took me a month because I had to get my beliefs in order.
I had to come to a point where I knew for an absolute fact that I was going to kick this anxiety and get back to a normal life again.
I came to KNOW that I could feel better and feel healthy and be anxiety free the moment I demanded it to be that way.
Let me state that point again: I became anxiety and panic free the moment I demanded myself to be anxiety and panic free.
I demanded that of myself and I was determined to accomplish it because I believed that it would work.
I had belief and I took action expecting results.
Remember, you created the anxiety, you can create wellbeing just as easily! To your health and success! You are on track!
At first glance, they may seem unimportant or trivial, but I can assure you they are very powerful.
Move around every 45 minutes If you work at a desk, you absolutely have to get up every 45 minutes.
The reason is your body becomes accustomed to the position you are in and all of your support muscles lock in that position.
See, you have two types of muscles: beach muscles and support muscles.
The beach muscles are the ones everyone tries to work out.
Your support muscles are the ones that you can't see, but that is where all of your balance, coordination and stamina come from.
Most people who work at a desk slouch.
After long periods of slouching, all of your support muscles tighten and seem to want to hold this position.
Ideally you would sit up straight all day, but unfortunately most people's desks and chairs are either not ergonomic, or are set up improperly.
This means you need to stretch out those invisible support muscles and keep them from tightening up.
That's why you MUST stand up and walk around every 45 minutes.
When I was 20, I would have laughed at someone who told me this.
Now that I'm 40, I know better! You have to stretch your body regularly.
Otherwise, your muscles are going to cramp up and you are going to have odd body aches and pains.
Remember, play the odds! The odds of weird body aches are 75% if you don't get up every 45 minutes and stretch.
Just to be clear, I'm not telling you to walk around the office and talk to everyone for 15 minutes.
No, I'm saying you should stand up, stretch, go get some water, or use the bathroom, come back to your desk maybe do another quick stretch and begin working again.
Your boss won't mind this or ever need to know.
Finally, smokers ALWAYS take their 15 minute break every 2 hours.
For some reason, non-smokers most often work through them.
Even as a non-smoker, you should be taking your 15 minute break every two hours and walking around outside for a minute and stretching.
Don't watch the news If there is something really important happening in your city or town, you will find out about it! You don't need to watch the news at all! And if you are wanting peace of mind, you better not be.
I know that watching the news is addictive.
I was hooked on it for a long time.
I just had to watch it every day.
Then, I started watching different types of news shows.
I was spending at least 2.
5 hours a day watching news.
Every day I would get more and more mad! I would get so upset with congress, the governor, the president, the state legislature, everyone.
My wife and I would have long discussions about how stupid these people are and how they are ruining our country and how they were misspending our tax dollars, etc.
Then I realized, I'm an idiot for watching this every day.
All it's doing is upsetting me and if I'm not going to do anything to fix the situation, I am just building stress for no reason.
I started to realize that the news shows aren't trying to educate after all, they are trying to entertain.
Only entertaining shows with a large audience get advertisers.
These stations need to make money from these shows.
Therefore, they are going to do everything they can to hook you and keep you watching.
They do this by playing to your emotions.
I wanted to validate my theory, so I watched for a week with a critical eye.
Here are the emotions they very successfully elicited in me in 30 minutes: Anger Fear Disgust Outrage Shock Horror Confusion I know for a fact that these emotions are destructive for the general population.
People who suffer from anxiety should absolutely stay away from these emotions.
It's easy to do.
Don't watch the news! You get out what you put in A very nice woman asked me how long it would take for her to be panic and anxiety free while following my course.
I asked her what her experiences thus far had been.
She said that she hadn't had a panic attack after reading my book, but that she hadn't felt completely comfortable in her own body yet either.
I said that is understandable due to her having panic attacks of varying degrees almost daily for several years.
She said, "well, I hope it works.
" I told her, and I want to tell you: You get out what you put in! Now some people would say, "oh yeah I know that!" and continue to not read these coaching lessons, not meditate daily, still smoke, still eat poorly and still be panic stricken.
These people might not understand what I mean by "you get out what you put in" so let me explain it clearly and you will understand it completely.
There are two things you need to accomplish any goal in your life: Action and Belief.
Let me say that again.
Action and Belief! If you want to change consciously, but your actions are not carrying you closer to the change you want, it means one thing: you don't believe you can change.
With every goal in your life, including overcoming panic and anxiety, you need to believe that you can achieve it.
Then, you need to take the steps required to achieve it.
You cannot "see how it goes" or "hope for the best.
" You either do it, or you don't.
My coaching course and book lay out the framework that you need to completely eliminate panic and anxiety from your life forever.
It also gives you the coping methods and strategies to deal with and release any temporary stress you face.
It absolutely works! How fast does it work? That is up to you.
I know people who have felt better as soon as they read the book.
Other people have taken a couple days.
Some, it took a week to two weeks.
It took me 1 month.
It took me a month because I had to get my beliefs in order.
I had to come to a point where I knew for an absolute fact that I was going to kick this anxiety and get back to a normal life again.
I came to KNOW that I could feel better and feel healthy and be anxiety free the moment I demanded it to be that way.
Let me state that point again: I became anxiety and panic free the moment I demanded myself to be anxiety and panic free.
I demanded that of myself and I was determined to accomplish it because I believed that it would work.
I had belief and I took action expecting results.
Remember, you created the anxiety, you can create wellbeing just as easily! To your health and success! You are on track!