Using TMT in Dating and Courtship Relationships
One of the major challenges faced by dating and courtship partners is how to date and court appropriately.
In an era where dating has been taken as a license for sexual intimacy, it is an uphill task convincing young single and single adults that they should keep sex out of their dating and courtship relationships.
The few relationship experts and coaches who have been working and pushing for the young people to learn that by following certain proven principles and practices, they could have joy in their relationships are having a hard time impressing the young single adults with idea of total abstinence from sexual intimacies before marriage.
Today while thinking about strategies to use in delivering this important success tip for those getting involved in dating and courtship relationships, the inspiration to use the TMT was received.
TMT is acronym for Time Management Techniques.
The TMT advocated here is not the usual straight-jacket time management that we know.
It is the TMT taught by coach, Stephen Pierce.
He taught that the best way to manage time is by "what is worth it and what is values".
Stephen noted that if we value something, a project, a person, we naturally like to spend our time on those things, projects and persons.
The questions now are: • Do you value a peaceful, loving, growing and joyful relationship with the man or woman with whom you want to spend the rest of our lives? • Is the life you want to live with your spouse worth preparing, working and doing every needful thing to establish it? • Is your envisaged, dreamed or imagined marriage relationship worth sacrificing for? What could be understood from Stephen's ideas here is that the dominant influence in your conduct with dating or courtship partners should be where you think the relationship is destined for.
If your focus is a future of bliss and happiness and growth in your relationship, then that's what should influence how you behave right now.
It needs to be boldly stated that an ounce of premarital sexual intimacy would damage the foundation of your relationship.
It would erode the pillars of trust, integrity and mutual respect.
These are foundational pillars in any marriage relationship that can ensure that you can survive the bomb blast that happen in marriage relationships quite often.
Come to think of it, your target should not be to have your marriage survive.
It should be to have your marriage relationship thrive.
The challenge of maintaining sex-free premarital relationships such as dating, courtship and engagement is enormous.
It is well appreciated.
However, by knowledge of the fact that premarital sexual relationship would hurt you, sabotage your target for a thriving marriage relationship, by advance decision to do it right, it is possible to maintain a sex-free premarital relationship.
Another important thing Stephen Pierce taught which could help young people here is what we are focusing on.
He noted that people are rich or poor as a result of what they are focusing on.
You can also draw a connection here in respect of the difficulties of maintaining sexual purity.
If in your relationship with the opposite sex, you are focusing on the physical or other wrong reasons for marrying, then you are bound to make the terrible mistake of engaging in premarital sex.
But if you are focusing on the eternal dimension of marriage, joyful relationship, peace of mind and happy married life, then you have a chance of taking all necessary action to keep on the right track.
In an era where dating has been taken as a license for sexual intimacy, it is an uphill task convincing young single and single adults that they should keep sex out of their dating and courtship relationships.
The few relationship experts and coaches who have been working and pushing for the young people to learn that by following certain proven principles and practices, they could have joy in their relationships are having a hard time impressing the young single adults with idea of total abstinence from sexual intimacies before marriage.
Today while thinking about strategies to use in delivering this important success tip for those getting involved in dating and courtship relationships, the inspiration to use the TMT was received.
TMT is acronym for Time Management Techniques.
The TMT advocated here is not the usual straight-jacket time management that we know.
It is the TMT taught by coach, Stephen Pierce.
He taught that the best way to manage time is by "what is worth it and what is values".
Stephen noted that if we value something, a project, a person, we naturally like to spend our time on those things, projects and persons.
The questions now are: • Do you value a peaceful, loving, growing and joyful relationship with the man or woman with whom you want to spend the rest of our lives? • Is the life you want to live with your spouse worth preparing, working and doing every needful thing to establish it? • Is your envisaged, dreamed or imagined marriage relationship worth sacrificing for? What could be understood from Stephen's ideas here is that the dominant influence in your conduct with dating or courtship partners should be where you think the relationship is destined for.
If your focus is a future of bliss and happiness and growth in your relationship, then that's what should influence how you behave right now.
It needs to be boldly stated that an ounce of premarital sexual intimacy would damage the foundation of your relationship.
It would erode the pillars of trust, integrity and mutual respect.
These are foundational pillars in any marriage relationship that can ensure that you can survive the bomb blast that happen in marriage relationships quite often.
Come to think of it, your target should not be to have your marriage survive.
It should be to have your marriage relationship thrive.
The challenge of maintaining sex-free premarital relationships such as dating, courtship and engagement is enormous.
It is well appreciated.
However, by knowledge of the fact that premarital sexual relationship would hurt you, sabotage your target for a thriving marriage relationship, by advance decision to do it right, it is possible to maintain a sex-free premarital relationship.
Another important thing Stephen Pierce taught which could help young people here is what we are focusing on.
He noted that people are rich or poor as a result of what they are focusing on.
You can also draw a connection here in respect of the difficulties of maintaining sexual purity.
If in your relationship with the opposite sex, you are focusing on the physical or other wrong reasons for marrying, then you are bound to make the terrible mistake of engaging in premarital sex.
But if you are focusing on the eternal dimension of marriage, joyful relationship, peace of mind and happy married life, then you have a chance of taking all necessary action to keep on the right track.