Make Money With Blogs - A Review of Wordpress Goldmine
Let's face it.
Affiliate Marketing can be one of the most frustrating, confusing, hard to master parts of Internet marketing.
Signing up with an affiliate program is the easy part.
What happens is that it's so easy you may wind up signing up with lots of them and not earning a dime with any of them.
That is the sad truth with many, many affiliate marketers.
They make occasional sales at best, and it becomes like dangling the carrot before the horse.
With all too much regularity Gurus come out of the woodwork with the "Next Big Thing" guaranteed only to make them money, and confuse the customer even more.
More and more we are seeing poorly conceived programs being touted as the answer to all your dreams.
In a deliberate break for what is now the norm you won't find Wordpress Goldmine being promoted by the "usual suspects " So, how do some affiliate marketers manage to make a good living while others often fail to make enough to cover their hosting? Wordpress Goldmine consists of a Pdf, 7 introductory videos and regular video updates.
So far the follow up videos account for 13 new videos.
This ensures that Wordpress Goldmine never goes out of date.
The author shows how he made over $15,000 in a few weeks using Wordpress blogs and some simple, powerful techniques he's willing to share.
With the Guide being called Wordpress Goldmine, it's only reasonable to start at the beginning with Wordpress setup for those who need it, right through some advanced, critical steps that will make or break you in the affiliate marketing arena.
The guide is packed full and is 100+ pages long, filled to the brim with all kinds of relevant, useful information that really works.
It is not a fluff book; every technique and tip is designed to get you a ton of traffic that is convertible into affiliate sales.
it also refreshingly free of affiliate links on every page and the few products that are mentioned are mentioned in context.
What makes this book a good read and extremely informative is that it is mostly about using blogs to make money and not just some regurgitated set of instructions on how to set up a blog and "this is blogging" manual.
While there are some setup instructions, it is mostly about how to monetize blogs for affiliate marketers.
Wordpress Goldmine goes into very specific details on how and why the author does certain things in a specific way.
He also has an "Affiliate Income Blueprint" which proves the viability of his techniques and he goes into detailed explanation about how he is going to develop it through 2008.
This is a step-by-step guide on marketing, traffic generation and how to get clicks that translate into income.
There are ways to pick a product that has a high conversion to sales rate and its pricing structure is very reasonable and it includes a 56 day 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.
If you read the sales copy, you will find it is also very compelling in that it goes more into benefits about what the affiliate marketer will gain by using this product than the credentials of the author.
The site is not fancy, and the claims are not outrageous - no pictures of boats, fancy cars or large mansions and most of all, no wild claims about making millions in 7 days.
This type of sales page goes a long way towards building credibility in the product, it may not generate as many sales as some of the hype filled sales pages we've seen recently but, upon purchase, you'll find it's a resource well worth the price.
Affiliate Marketing can be one of the most frustrating, confusing, hard to master parts of Internet marketing.
Signing up with an affiliate program is the easy part.
What happens is that it's so easy you may wind up signing up with lots of them and not earning a dime with any of them.
That is the sad truth with many, many affiliate marketers.
They make occasional sales at best, and it becomes like dangling the carrot before the horse.
With all too much regularity Gurus come out of the woodwork with the "Next Big Thing" guaranteed only to make them money, and confuse the customer even more.
More and more we are seeing poorly conceived programs being touted as the answer to all your dreams.
In a deliberate break for what is now the norm you won't find Wordpress Goldmine being promoted by the "usual suspects " So, how do some affiliate marketers manage to make a good living while others often fail to make enough to cover their hosting? Wordpress Goldmine consists of a Pdf, 7 introductory videos and regular video updates.
So far the follow up videos account for 13 new videos.
This ensures that Wordpress Goldmine never goes out of date.
The author shows how he made over $15,000 in a few weeks using Wordpress blogs and some simple, powerful techniques he's willing to share.
With the Guide being called Wordpress Goldmine, it's only reasonable to start at the beginning with Wordpress setup for those who need it, right through some advanced, critical steps that will make or break you in the affiliate marketing arena.
The guide is packed full and is 100+ pages long, filled to the brim with all kinds of relevant, useful information that really works.
It is not a fluff book; every technique and tip is designed to get you a ton of traffic that is convertible into affiliate sales.
it also refreshingly free of affiliate links on every page and the few products that are mentioned are mentioned in context.
What makes this book a good read and extremely informative is that it is mostly about using blogs to make money and not just some regurgitated set of instructions on how to set up a blog and "this is blogging" manual.
While there are some setup instructions, it is mostly about how to monetize blogs for affiliate marketers.
Wordpress Goldmine goes into very specific details on how and why the author does certain things in a specific way.
He also has an "Affiliate Income Blueprint" which proves the viability of his techniques and he goes into detailed explanation about how he is going to develop it through 2008.
This is a step-by-step guide on marketing, traffic generation and how to get clicks that translate into income.
There are ways to pick a product that has a high conversion to sales rate and its pricing structure is very reasonable and it includes a 56 day 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.
If you read the sales copy, you will find it is also very compelling in that it goes more into benefits about what the affiliate marketer will gain by using this product than the credentials of the author.
The site is not fancy, and the claims are not outrageous - no pictures of boats, fancy cars or large mansions and most of all, no wild claims about making millions in 7 days.
This type of sales page goes a long way towards building credibility in the product, it may not generate as many sales as some of the hype filled sales pages we've seen recently but, upon purchase, you'll find it's a resource well worth the price.