3 Deadly Mistakes When Texting a Woman You Must Avoid
Texting or sms-ing, is something very common nowadays.
More and more people are using it for various purposes.
Even for dating, hooking up and flirting.
The last, however, is very easy to mess, especially if you're starting for the fist time.
There are a lot of mistakes that could be done here.
We'll focus our attention to the top 3 attraction killers in texting: Mistake number 1 - Sounding too needy.
You heard that before I'm sure.
I believe every man needs to hear it again and again, from time to time.
We tend to forget.
Sending a text which sounds way too needy, to a woman you barely met, is quite deadly.
Sending anything, with a meaning that you are being dependent on that woman, is not attractive.
Something like "please respond soon", or "please write back" and "I still haven't got a text from you" is plainly demolishing your chances.
What hidden message does this say? "I am a man who have nothing better to do with his spare time, than to wait for a text message from a person, who I barely know".
No? Are you sure? Last time I checked, clingy men weren't very successful in the dating field with high quality women.
Mistake number 2 - Sounding too cheesy.
Cheesy is like that pick up guy in the bar, trying his old routines to new tourist girls, which don't know his agenda, yet.
Rarely works.
Cheesy stuff doesn't make you look real and genuine.
This, in most of the cases, is again killing your chances - fast.
However, there is right way to sound cheesy and look cool at the same time.
It's pretty easy actually.
The idea is to sound overly cheesy, so she understands, that you're making a joke with it.
Get usual cheesy and mess up.
Mistake number 3 - Getting ahead of yourself.
Asking for a date or setting a date way too early, will result in the highest flake ratio you may know.
Most girls, won't just go to a text invitation, by a guy they barely know.
And if they come, they will bring their protective female buddy, which will probably sabotage whatever idea of a date you had in mind.
There is a way to escalate things, so you will know when she is ready for your invitation.
She will anticipate it! I have to admit, I learned those things the hard way.
My 'romantic text' return ratio was very, very low.
Gosh, I was boring, predictable, clingy, and hopeless.
The worst part is, I realized it, but had no idea what to do.
With experience and some advice, things improved.
My responses were getting higher and higher.
Not to mention I went from getting bland replies to amusing text messages, that were waiting for spar-text-flirting.
More and more people are using it for various purposes.
Even for dating, hooking up and flirting.
The last, however, is very easy to mess, especially if you're starting for the fist time.
There are a lot of mistakes that could be done here.
We'll focus our attention to the top 3 attraction killers in texting: Mistake number 1 - Sounding too needy.
You heard that before I'm sure.
I believe every man needs to hear it again and again, from time to time.
We tend to forget.
Sending a text which sounds way too needy, to a woman you barely met, is quite deadly.
Sending anything, with a meaning that you are being dependent on that woman, is not attractive.
Something like "please respond soon", or "please write back" and "I still haven't got a text from you" is plainly demolishing your chances.
What hidden message does this say? "I am a man who have nothing better to do with his spare time, than to wait for a text message from a person, who I barely know".
No? Are you sure? Last time I checked, clingy men weren't very successful in the dating field with high quality women.
Mistake number 2 - Sounding too cheesy.
Cheesy is like that pick up guy in the bar, trying his old routines to new tourist girls, which don't know his agenda, yet.
Rarely works.
Cheesy stuff doesn't make you look real and genuine.
This, in most of the cases, is again killing your chances - fast.
However, there is right way to sound cheesy and look cool at the same time.
It's pretty easy actually.
The idea is to sound overly cheesy, so she understands, that you're making a joke with it.
Get usual cheesy and mess up.
Mistake number 3 - Getting ahead of yourself.
Asking for a date or setting a date way too early, will result in the highest flake ratio you may know.
Most girls, won't just go to a text invitation, by a guy they barely know.
And if they come, they will bring their protective female buddy, which will probably sabotage whatever idea of a date you had in mind.
There is a way to escalate things, so you will know when she is ready for your invitation.
She will anticipate it! I have to admit, I learned those things the hard way.
My 'romantic text' return ratio was very, very low.
Gosh, I was boring, predictable, clingy, and hopeless.
The worst part is, I realized it, but had no idea what to do.
With experience and some advice, things improved.
My responses were getting higher and higher.
Not to mention I went from getting bland replies to amusing text messages, that were waiting for spar-text-flirting.