Don"t Let Father Time Scare You - We Have the Tools to Deal to Him
We all live in an age that belongs to the young and strong.
Life that is becoming extremely fast day to day, also asks us to remain physically young and strong.
Young at heart, young in mind and young in body has become the principle of survival in our new modern culture.
Yet our age increases with every day of our life and the fast pace of the world around us in fact makes us age faster.
But, it is important to retain our youthful vigor and vitality, for it is only with young passion and energy that we can work towards success, enjoy a healthy life and keep ourselves disease free.
People are feeling younger and living longer with the desire to stay active and well in their later years.
Tapping into the "fountain of youth" of vigorous exercise and nutritional strategies is your lifeline to continue this active lifestyle as well as preventing many age related diseases.
As little as six months of strength training exercise will turn back one of the body's molecular clocks and rejuvenate aging muscles to the extent that they are almost as powerful as those found in someone much younger.
By the time you are 60 years old, you may have lost up to half your muscular strength, half your lung capacity and a good percentage of bone density.
Your metabolism (the rate your body burns fuel) would have dwindled like an old engine sucking the energy and life force from you.
These losses lead to many age related ailments such as osteoporosis, diabetes, back pain, depression, falls and more.
It is important to realize to reverse these negative consequences of a no exercise lifestyle that the activity performed is a proper exercise program that contains at least 60% strength training exercise.
Recreational-type activities such as walking, cycling, tennis, etc, keep the heart and lungs somewhat conditioned, however, these kinds of activities cannot halt, let alone reverse muscle tissue loss.
Strength training exercise is the only viable way to address it.
It is important to seek the help of a fitness professional to set up your program and teach you correct exercise technique.
It is also important to learn to exercise with intensity (degree of difficulty) levels that will actually product results.
If the exercise being performed is too easy and without this effort, your results will be minimal If you want to transform your body to anything close to what it was 20 years ago you must work harder than you are used to in every day life in order to alter your physiology.
Then and only then will you begin to see significant changes such as weight loss, stronger muscles, bones and joints increased energy levels, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile etc.
You also need to add a couple of interval training sessions a week of short bursts of activity alternated with rest periods to really rev up your anti-aging hormones and enzymes that keep you young and fit.
An example of this would be 8-10 seconds of sprinting then 1 minute or so of walking repeated 8-12 times.
Your strength training program must be regular and consistent for results to be noticeable.
If you are not putting forth a serious effort into this program at least twice a week, you will be forfeiting approximately one pound of muscle per year.
This is what will cause you to age quicker than you will believe.
The most important thing to remember is that you are taking steps every day to halt and reverse the damage of Father Time, so do not beat yourself up if you do not see immediate results.
The end result of your strength program will be a total lifestyle change where you replace bad habits with healthy ones and feel the benefits that come with your positive choices.
We are all looking to turn back, or at least slow down, the clock - to feel young and function youthfully regardless of our actual age.
Building and maintain strong muscles is absolutely the most effective way to do so.
And the formula for strong muscles could not be simpler: strength training exercise for life.
Life that is becoming extremely fast day to day, also asks us to remain physically young and strong.
Young at heart, young in mind and young in body has become the principle of survival in our new modern culture.
Yet our age increases with every day of our life and the fast pace of the world around us in fact makes us age faster.
But, it is important to retain our youthful vigor and vitality, for it is only with young passion and energy that we can work towards success, enjoy a healthy life and keep ourselves disease free.
People are feeling younger and living longer with the desire to stay active and well in their later years.
Tapping into the "fountain of youth" of vigorous exercise and nutritional strategies is your lifeline to continue this active lifestyle as well as preventing many age related diseases.
As little as six months of strength training exercise will turn back one of the body's molecular clocks and rejuvenate aging muscles to the extent that they are almost as powerful as those found in someone much younger.
By the time you are 60 years old, you may have lost up to half your muscular strength, half your lung capacity and a good percentage of bone density.
Your metabolism (the rate your body burns fuel) would have dwindled like an old engine sucking the energy and life force from you.
These losses lead to many age related ailments such as osteoporosis, diabetes, back pain, depression, falls and more.
It is important to realize to reverse these negative consequences of a no exercise lifestyle that the activity performed is a proper exercise program that contains at least 60% strength training exercise.
Recreational-type activities such as walking, cycling, tennis, etc, keep the heart and lungs somewhat conditioned, however, these kinds of activities cannot halt, let alone reverse muscle tissue loss.
Strength training exercise is the only viable way to address it.
It is important to seek the help of a fitness professional to set up your program and teach you correct exercise technique.
It is also important to learn to exercise with intensity (degree of difficulty) levels that will actually product results.
If the exercise being performed is too easy and without this effort, your results will be minimal If you want to transform your body to anything close to what it was 20 years ago you must work harder than you are used to in every day life in order to alter your physiology.
Then and only then will you begin to see significant changes such as weight loss, stronger muscles, bones and joints increased energy levels, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profile etc.
You also need to add a couple of interval training sessions a week of short bursts of activity alternated with rest periods to really rev up your anti-aging hormones and enzymes that keep you young and fit.
An example of this would be 8-10 seconds of sprinting then 1 minute or so of walking repeated 8-12 times.
Your strength training program must be regular and consistent for results to be noticeable.
If you are not putting forth a serious effort into this program at least twice a week, you will be forfeiting approximately one pound of muscle per year.
This is what will cause you to age quicker than you will believe.
The most important thing to remember is that you are taking steps every day to halt and reverse the damage of Father Time, so do not beat yourself up if you do not see immediate results.
The end result of your strength program will be a total lifestyle change where you replace bad habits with healthy ones and feel the benefits that come with your positive choices.
We are all looking to turn back, or at least slow down, the clock - to feel young and function youthfully regardless of our actual age.
Building and maintain strong muscles is absolutely the most effective way to do so.
And the formula for strong muscles could not be simpler: strength training exercise for life.