How to Get Your Wife to Give You Blow Jobs More Often
Hey man, My name is Jack, and I never had a problem with getting a woman to give me blow jobs.
I know exactly what makes women ( your wife included ) motivated to get down on their knees and give you an oral.
Not only that, there's also a way to get her to practice more often and improve her blow job skills, so that she doesn't only give you more, but also better head.
Now listen up if you want me to sprinkle some of my wisdom on you.
If you want to get your wife to give you head more often you have to change how you behave.
The problem isn't in HER, it's in You.
If you behaved in a way that triggers her natural instinct to bow down for you and blow you all day, you'll never have to ask for an oral again - she'll do it on her own initiative, for her own pleasure! Men that are more self-confident, powerful, determined and know what they want in life and how to get it always get more blow jobs than guys that don't.
So get yourself together and figure out what you want.
Then go for it.
In case your wife was giving you blow jobs before you got married, now she isn't because you became BORING.
If it's not fun to blow you, she won't.
Currently, for her, giving you a blow job seems more like a chore, a "job," then something enjoyable.
There's a way to "convert" her into being addicted to giving you blow jobs.
How? Stop being boring.
This might sound stupid and simple, but the truth is that it's the truth.
If you were more of a challenge to your wife, if there was still something to "discover" about you, something "to solve" or "to figure out" she'd be ready to get down on her knees every single day of the week, and giving you a blow job wouldn't be considered as "work.
" You don't believe me? Go bungee jumping, or sky diving and see how your wife reacts.
Sure, she might tell you that you are an idiot - but that's just what she's saying, wait a few days and see how she'll react.
Save up money and go to Africa on Safari, do something different that the husbands of her girlfriend's.
Next, you got LAZY.
When's the last time you ate her out like there's no tomorrow? Or bought her lingerie? Power gets women on their knees (your wife included), the more you get of it (power), the more head your wife will give you.
I could write an entire book about this (and I did), telling you about WHY women give blow jobs and how to brainwash them into loving Your penis more than life itself.
For now, I'll just give you 3 quick tips that will get you more head from your wife.
I don't have time to explain you WHY this will get you more blow jobs now, try it for yourself and you'll see, just stick to it.
Here are the 3 things.
Join a gym and work out 3-4 times per week for 3 months.
Take more control of your marriage by keeping your finances to yourself and by cutting spending on stuff you don't need to a minimum.
Save up money for a trip.
Start planning it out now.
Find an exotic place you always wanted to visit but never did.
Figure out how to get there and get there no matter what.
You can do it.
This sound ridiculous, but it WILL get you more blow jobs for a lifetime.
Not only will you have what to talk about when you come back from the trip, you'll also learn a lot and be a more interesting person to be around.
Not just for your wife - but, more importantly, for OTHER women.
When other women want to get on their knees and please you, your wife will INSTANTLY have an URGE to give you a blow job ( better than her potential competitors ).
Last but not least - get in touch with old friends and work on your social life.
The more friends you have that you can depend on, the more blow jobs your wife will give you.
I know this sounds crazy too, but there's a complicated reason behind why this works.
Make a list of 10 people you didn't see for ages and go see them.
If you have no friends, since you're working all day and all you hear is your wife nagging about the dishes and other crap, then you get caught up in daily life and get lazy and stop seeing your friends.
After days, weeks, months and years of this, you end up having nobody other than your wife e.
you become a loser.
Loser don't get blow jobs.
Make your wife and, more importantly, yourself a favor and develop a low tolerance for BS.
Go out with your friends, have a life of your own.
Your wife may complain at first, but, in the long run, she'll love you for it.
I know exactly what makes women ( your wife included ) motivated to get down on their knees and give you an oral.
Not only that, there's also a way to get her to practice more often and improve her blow job skills, so that she doesn't only give you more, but also better head.
Now listen up if you want me to sprinkle some of my wisdom on you.
If you want to get your wife to give you head more often you have to change how you behave.
The problem isn't in HER, it's in You.
If you behaved in a way that triggers her natural instinct to bow down for you and blow you all day, you'll never have to ask for an oral again - she'll do it on her own initiative, for her own pleasure! Men that are more self-confident, powerful, determined and know what they want in life and how to get it always get more blow jobs than guys that don't.
So get yourself together and figure out what you want.
Then go for it.
In case your wife was giving you blow jobs before you got married, now she isn't because you became BORING.
If it's not fun to blow you, she won't.
Currently, for her, giving you a blow job seems more like a chore, a "job," then something enjoyable.
There's a way to "convert" her into being addicted to giving you blow jobs.
How? Stop being boring.
This might sound stupid and simple, but the truth is that it's the truth.
If you were more of a challenge to your wife, if there was still something to "discover" about you, something "to solve" or "to figure out" she'd be ready to get down on her knees every single day of the week, and giving you a blow job wouldn't be considered as "work.
" You don't believe me? Go bungee jumping, or sky diving and see how your wife reacts.
Sure, she might tell you that you are an idiot - but that's just what she's saying, wait a few days and see how she'll react.
Save up money and go to Africa on Safari, do something different that the husbands of her girlfriend's.
Next, you got LAZY.
When's the last time you ate her out like there's no tomorrow? Or bought her lingerie? Power gets women on their knees (your wife included), the more you get of it (power), the more head your wife will give you.
I could write an entire book about this (and I did), telling you about WHY women give blow jobs and how to brainwash them into loving Your penis more than life itself.
For now, I'll just give you 3 quick tips that will get you more head from your wife.
I don't have time to explain you WHY this will get you more blow jobs now, try it for yourself and you'll see, just stick to it.
Here are the 3 things.
Join a gym and work out 3-4 times per week for 3 months.
Take more control of your marriage by keeping your finances to yourself and by cutting spending on stuff you don't need to a minimum.
Save up money for a trip.
Start planning it out now.
Find an exotic place you always wanted to visit but never did.
Figure out how to get there and get there no matter what.
You can do it.
This sound ridiculous, but it WILL get you more blow jobs for a lifetime.
Not only will you have what to talk about when you come back from the trip, you'll also learn a lot and be a more interesting person to be around.
Not just for your wife - but, more importantly, for OTHER women.
When other women want to get on their knees and please you, your wife will INSTANTLY have an URGE to give you a blow job ( better than her potential competitors ).
Last but not least - get in touch with old friends and work on your social life.
The more friends you have that you can depend on, the more blow jobs your wife will give you.
I know this sounds crazy too, but there's a complicated reason behind why this works.
Make a list of 10 people you didn't see for ages and go see them.
If you have no friends, since you're working all day and all you hear is your wife nagging about the dishes and other crap, then you get caught up in daily life and get lazy and stop seeing your friends.
After days, weeks, months and years of this, you end up having nobody other than your wife e.
you become a loser.
Loser don't get blow jobs.
Make your wife and, more importantly, yourself a favor and develop a low tolerance for BS.
Go out with your friends, have a life of your own.
Your wife may complain at first, but, in the long run, she'll love you for it.