What You Should Know About Acupuncture and Spinal Decompression
Not so long ago, acupuncture and many other ancient techniques were viewed with just as much skepticism as computer guided spinal decompression.
Nevertheless, acupuncture is now paid for by insurance companies, as well as considered a very valuable form of pain management.
Unfortunately, if you have chronic back pain, you may need something a bit more mechanically oriented to put your spine back into alignment.
Neither acupuncture nor chiropractic manipulations can create the kind of vacuum within a disc required to help it slip back into place.
On the other hand, people have been using various forms of decompression for years to alleviate back pain.
You may even be surprised to find that non-computer guided decompression methods are almost as old as acupuncture.
While some people do not want to admit that computer guided traction is a viable form of treatment for sciatica, slipped discs, and pinched nerves, many people are finding that it works.
Therefore, if you are suffering from any of these conditions, it will be to your advantage to see if you can meet with a doctor that has the equipment and the training to help you.
At the very least, you can go for an initial consultation and then sit back and think about whether or not you want to give it a try.
Without a doubt, as more people recover from back pain after going for spinal decompression therapy, it will become as mainstream as acupuncture is today and more people will get real advantages of this specialized therapy.
Nevertheless, acupuncture is now paid for by insurance companies, as well as considered a very valuable form of pain management.
Unfortunately, if you have chronic back pain, you may need something a bit more mechanically oriented to put your spine back into alignment.
Neither acupuncture nor chiropractic manipulations can create the kind of vacuum within a disc required to help it slip back into place.
On the other hand, people have been using various forms of decompression for years to alleviate back pain.
You may even be surprised to find that non-computer guided decompression methods are almost as old as acupuncture.
While some people do not want to admit that computer guided traction is a viable form of treatment for sciatica, slipped discs, and pinched nerves, many people are finding that it works.
Therefore, if you are suffering from any of these conditions, it will be to your advantage to see if you can meet with a doctor that has the equipment and the training to help you.
At the very least, you can go for an initial consultation and then sit back and think about whether or not you want to give it a try.
Without a doubt, as more people recover from back pain after going for spinal decompression therapy, it will become as mainstream as acupuncture is today and more people will get real advantages of this specialized therapy.