Come To Kenya
If you are planning a holiday, please consider Kenya.
Beautiful beaches: You can go to the coast and have a relaxing time at the beaches.
You can engage in water sports, swimming and sunbathing.
Mombasa is one of the most popular tourist attraction along Kenya's coastal border.
It is situated along the indian ocean and adjacent to towns such at Malindi, Lamu and others.
It is here that you can engage in various watersports such as snorkeling, water polo, water-skiing and wind surfing .
Beach Safaris to the coast are a must-do in ones lifetime! You also get an opportunity to tour the coastal town of Mombasa.
Please visit for more on While in Kenya please travel upcountry to the various tourist attraction sites such as national parks to view Kenya's vast wildlife and rich cultural way of life.
Get to interact with the different people groups and learn about their cultures, traditions, etc.
Among the wildlife you will see in such Country tour drives includes lions,zebras, cheetahs, Wildbeest, tigers, Buffalos, elephants, giraffes - the list is endless! Tourists coming to Kenya vary depending on the seasons.
Some seasons are more preferable than others.
Kenya does not have very extreme weather conditions.
We have the hot and cold seasons, long and short rains.
The temperature remains comfortably average year-round except for a month or two when it can get very cold - though nothing compared to Winter! Much of Kenya experiences heavy rainfall from March through May and, to a lesser extent, from October through December.
The best season for most outdoor activities like safaris, swimming and mountain climbing is during the dry season (June-September).
Beautiful beaches: You can go to the coast and have a relaxing time at the beaches.
You can engage in water sports, swimming and sunbathing.
Mombasa is one of the most popular tourist attraction along Kenya's coastal border.
It is situated along the indian ocean and adjacent to towns such at Malindi, Lamu and others.
It is here that you can engage in various watersports such as snorkeling, water polo, water-skiing and wind surfing .
Beach Safaris to the coast are a must-do in ones lifetime! You also get an opportunity to tour the coastal town of Mombasa.
Please visit for more on While in Kenya please travel upcountry to the various tourist attraction sites such as national parks to view Kenya's vast wildlife and rich cultural way of life.
Get to interact with the different people groups and learn about their cultures, traditions, etc.
Among the wildlife you will see in such Country tour drives includes lions,zebras, cheetahs, Wildbeest, tigers, Buffalos, elephants, giraffes - the list is endless! Tourists coming to Kenya vary depending on the seasons.
Some seasons are more preferable than others.
Kenya does not have very extreme weather conditions.
We have the hot and cold seasons, long and short rains.
The temperature remains comfortably average year-round except for a month or two when it can get very cold - though nothing compared to Winter! Much of Kenya experiences heavy rainfall from March through May and, to a lesser extent, from October through December.
The best season for most outdoor activities like safaris, swimming and mountain climbing is during the dry season (June-September).