Who Do You Turn to in Times of Trouble?
Have you ever experienced utter despair not knowing where to turn or who to go to for help and support? Hopefully not, but you may still have had a moment in your life when you felt as though you were totally alone.
A true and long term friend of mine found himself in this situation a while ago and this experience which he shared with me has caused me to pen this short note.
I sincerely hope this will cause folks who have a friend in trouble to offer their friend the support they desperately need.
Many people experience utter and complete loneliness and despair at least once in their lives, they may at such a time ask themselves, is it worth carrying on? What is it all about? Why bother? Why me? They may think that life is so very unfair, they may think that the whole world is against them and that no one cares if they live or die.
As a result of this thinking they may consider that the answer is a bottle of Whiskey and a handful of pills.
They may consider that the answer a vehicles engine running in the garage with the doors closed or they may consider some alternative method of ending it all.
What they need is a good friend, are you such a friend for someone? Do you have such a friend yourself? If you have had the support of such a friend yourself, or have been such a friend for someone why not share your thoughts here? In truth we all at some time in our lives need an Earth Angel to lean on, don't we? Hey, and do not forget to be good to yourself.
A true and long term friend of mine found himself in this situation a while ago and this experience which he shared with me has caused me to pen this short note.
I sincerely hope this will cause folks who have a friend in trouble to offer their friend the support they desperately need.
Many people experience utter and complete loneliness and despair at least once in their lives, they may at such a time ask themselves, is it worth carrying on? What is it all about? Why bother? Why me? They may think that life is so very unfair, they may think that the whole world is against them and that no one cares if they live or die.
As a result of this thinking they may consider that the answer is a bottle of Whiskey and a handful of pills.
They may consider that the answer a vehicles engine running in the garage with the doors closed or they may consider some alternative method of ending it all.
What they need is a good friend, are you such a friend for someone? Do you have such a friend yourself? If you have had the support of such a friend yourself, or have been such a friend for someone why not share your thoughts here? In truth we all at some time in our lives need an Earth Angel to lean on, don't we? Hey, and do not forget to be good to yourself.