Video: How to Apply Accent Color in Makeup
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Erin and you're watching Expert Village. Today we are going to be working on three dimensional make-up. Okay, now so we're stippling the accent color. You want to take your stipple sponge once again into your moisturizer and pat it into your midnight blue eye shadow or powder and just stipple it right along the bridge. You want to just kind of stay on the insides. Don't really go too outer with this, insides of where you put the base color. That's nice. That's really nice. Maybe get down into the eye sockets a little bit. If you need some more, go dabble in. Don't be afraid. If you want to use your little brush here that we discussed about having before, then take your little brush and stipple in some dots here and there. Now, and then we take the red. See, get it up here. Get it all in your eye socket here. Alright, also you want to keep stippling down here so you still see those capillaries, those busted capillaries. Alright.