How to Make a Thin Parting Tool
- 1). Cut an old reciprocating saw blade or planer blade to a length of 7 inches at about a 40 degree angle using a cut off wheel die grinder.
- 2). Measure the inside diameter and length of the tool handle ferrule with a dial caliper. Record the measurements for use when turning the handle.
- 3). Grind the teeth off the blade using a grinder. Keep the blade cool by dipping it often in a pan of water. Continue grinding until the blade fits inside the tool handle ferrule.
- 4). Place a straight grained, 2-inch square, 12-inch-long piece of hardwood on the wood lathe. Secure the wood between the wood lathe's headstock and tailstock. Place a sharp spindle gouge against the tool rest. Turn on the wood lathe. Move the gouge from side to side, shaping the spinning wood until you achieve a shape that fits your hand well. Turn the handle's ferrule end to a diameter that fits very tightly inside the ferrule. Use the ferrule end measurements you obtained with the dial caliper.
- 5). Slot the handle where the ferrule will be to accept the blade. Use a coping saw and saw straight down the center of the handle.
- 6). Install the blade into the handle by tapping the blade with a wood mallet.
- 7). Install the ferrule over the blade and tap it in place onto the handle with a wood mallet.