Gay Rights Day in Salem, Oregon
Gay Rights Day in Salem, Oregon
The Oregon House of Representatives voted on Tuesday April 17th to further equality for its gay and lesbian citizens by passing a domestic partnership bill and an anti-discrimination bill. Dozens of supporters and opponents lined up above the House floor to witness the historic debate.
Domestic Partnership Bill Passes Oregon Senate and House
Oregon is well on its way to becoming one of the states that allows marriage-like relationship for gays and lesbians. Oregon House of Representatives passed the Oregon Family Fairness Act that would create domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian couples in Oregon and would give them most the state rights of married heterosexual couples. Out lesbian representative Tina Kotek co-sponsored the bill.
Oregon Representative Chip Shields said, "This moment for me is bitter sweet. While this bill is a huge step in the right direction and will truly benefit the lives of thousands of gay Oregonians. Let’s be clear. This is not equality. Not even close. Couples who obtain a domestic partnership will still be denied the more than 1200 protections, benefits and responsibilities afforded to married couples under federal law. Couples who obtain a domestic partnership will have no legal relationship to one another outside the borders of this state as married couples do. …Frankly, it pains me to vote for this bill but I’m willing because it’s a big step forward on the road to equality. To me it is sad that we are setting up a system of inequality in the name of furthering equality."
Oregon Gay Rights groups continue to push for full marriage equality with a case making its way through the courts.
After 34 years of trying, it looks like Oregonians will have some basic protections in employment, housing and public accommodations against anti-gay discrimination. The Oregon House of Representatives passed a bill with will ban discrimination in housing, the workplace and in public places like restaurants and theaters.
The bill will ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Oregonians who feel they have been discriminated against can file for civil action or punitive damages via the courts. This bill simply adds language to Oregon's already existing Civil Rights law to add sexual orientation as a protected class against discrimination. Oregon law already protects citizens on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age and disability.
On May 9th, Governor Ted Kulongoski signed into law two bills that will give gays and lesbians legal protection and most of the same rights as married couples.
The Oregon House of Representatives voted on Tuesday April 17th to further equality for its gay and lesbian citizens by passing a domestic partnership bill and an anti-discrimination bill. Dozens of supporters and opponents lined up above the House floor to witness the historic debate.
Domestic Partnership Bill Passes Oregon Senate and House
Oregon is well on its way to becoming one of the states that allows marriage-like relationship for gays and lesbians. Oregon House of Representatives passed the Oregon Family Fairness Act that would create domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian couples in Oregon and would give them most the state rights of married heterosexual couples. Out lesbian representative Tina Kotek co-sponsored the bill.
What Does it Mean?
Domestic Partnerships will allow same-sex couples and their families all of the protections, rights and responsibilities of marriage with in the state. Those protections will not be recognized outside of the state.Oregon Representative Chip Shields said, "This moment for me is bitter sweet. While this bill is a huge step in the right direction and will truly benefit the lives of thousands of gay Oregonians. Let’s be clear. This is not equality. Not even close. Couples who obtain a domestic partnership will still be denied the more than 1200 protections, benefits and responsibilities afforded to married couples under federal law. Couples who obtain a domestic partnership will have no legal relationship to one another outside the borders of this state as married couples do. …Frankly, it pains me to vote for this bill but I’m willing because it’s a big step forward on the road to equality. To me it is sad that we are setting up a system of inequality in the name of furthering equality."
What's Next?
The Oregon Senate voted 21-9 to pass the Domestic Partnership Bill. It will be sent to Oregon Governor Kulongoski who has pledged to sign it. Oregon residents will be able to register for domestic Partnerships on January 1, 2008.Oregon Gay Rights groups continue to push for full marriage equality with a case making its way through the courts.
After 34 years of trying, it looks like Oregonians will have some basic protections in employment, housing and public accommodations against anti-gay discrimination. The Oregon House of Representatives passed a bill with will ban discrimination in housing, the workplace and in public places like restaurants and theaters.
What Does it Do?
The bill will ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Oregonians who feel they have been discriminated against can file for civil action or punitive damages via the courts. This bill simply adds language to Oregon's already existing Civil Rights law to add sexual orientation as a protected class against discrimination. Oregon law already protects citizens on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age and disability.
What's next?
The Oregon Senate voted to pass the Anti-Discrimination Bill. Now all it needs is the governor's signature and Oregon Governor Kulongoski has pledged to sign it.On May 9th, Governor Ted Kulongoski signed into law two bills that will give gays and lesbians legal protection and most of the same rights as married couples.
Non-Discrimination Bill
The Oregon Equality Act is a comprehensive, statewide non-discrimination bill that would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation, on the basis of sexual orientation in Oregon. Gender identity is included in the definition of sexual orientation, so trans people will be protected too. The law goes into effect January 1, 2008.Domestic Partnerships
The Oregon Family Fairness Act will create a new statute in Oregon law that legally recognizes committed same-sex relationships as Domestic Partnerships. The law grants gay and lesbian couples who enter into a domestic partnership all the privileges, immunities, rights and benefits given to married couples by state law. The law goes into effect January 1, 2008.