This Is The Answer To Your Question On Abortion
Before we proceed with this question we must first find out the meaning of the word abortion.
What is abortion? Abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy by taking a foetus from its mother's womb.
Abortion can be induced or may be spontaneous.
Medically induced abortion: this is where a woman consents to a doctor terminating the life of her unborn child.
It may be medically advised, as in cases where the doctor feel conditions exist that could endanger the life of the mother or child.
Women who accidentally become pregnant and do not want to bring such a child into the world might also choose to have such babies aborted.
Abortion is very common among the young women of our generation due to sexual promiscuity.
Spontaneous abortion This is where a woman who is pregnant loses or miscarries the baby.
Many reason are attributed to the cause of this.
The abortion I will be discussing here is induced abortion - where a woman deliberately decides to terminate the life of the child in her womb.
The first statement I will make here is that, "Abortion is wrong before God.
" Yes, each time a life is brutally taken away, it grieves God For the Bible clearly says: "Thou shall not kill.
" (Exodus 20: 13) This question came up because I discovered that a lot of women in the church were worried because the abortion they had had before becoming Christians still haunted them.
They also felt a sense of guilt about it.
They were also afraid that God may deny them children.
It is right to feel guilt about abortion because abortion itself is wrong.
But when you have repented forgive yourself.
Where a woman deliberately takes the life of her unborn offspring that is wrong.
It is a fact that criminal abortions usually performed by quack doctors in haste in ill-equipped clinics are many times more dangerous to the mother than normal childbirth.
It is the general testimony of legitimate physicians that even though the mother survives the shock of this terrible outrage against God and nature, she is often doomed to a life of suffering and misery - physically, mentally and morally.
Hence the guilt experienced by so many of my sisters in the Lord, who have had one or more abortions.
Today I want to bring you the good news that, while abortion is wrong and a sin against God, the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed on the Cross for you has dealt with that abortion..
The power of the blood of Jesus removed all that separated you from God.
That same blood that Jesus shed for you has dealt with all your sins, and you are perfected by His blood.
God does not remember your sins (abortions), not one of them.
For the Bible declares what the Lord says: "...
for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
" (Jeremiah 31: 34).
Every sin is forgotten by the blood of Jesus.
Every sin has been washed away and this gives you unlimited access to the very throne room of God.
For the Bible says: "Now in Christ Jesus, you, who once were far away, have been brought near through the blood of Christ.
" (Ephesians 2: 13) The blood of Jesus has restored your relationship and fellowship with God.
You stand before God as a righteous person; the Bible says that the blood that the sinless Son of God shed for you makes you perfect.
Today I want to encourage you, my beautiful sisters, to let go.
At times it is more difficult for us to forgive ourselves because God has already forgiven us.
Forgive yourself and put that guilt under the blood of Jesus Christ and serve God with peace of mind.
For who the Lord shall set free is free indeed.
Secondly now that you are a Christian you are now in the family of God and the Bible declares all things are yours.
In the Family of God, your Father is the Father who will never give His child a stone for bread.
You have a Father who loves you with an everlasting love, a Father who gave His best in Jesus Christ to redeem you from sin and death.
You are a blessed woman, in the family of God no one shall be childless.
I want you to know today that IF you can will forgive yourself and ask God to heal or bless you with children, He will surely bless you.
For the Bible says that He who ASK receives.
Remember God has forgiven you and He loves you.
God bless you.
Now Say A prayer To God In faith: I ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.
I bring an offering of praise and I come before you with worship in the splendour of your holiness.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.
I bow down in worship.
I kneel before you Lord my Maker.
I tremble before you.
and I bless you.
I exalt the Lord my God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord my God is holy.
Father I thank you forgiving me of all my sin.
I accept your love.
Bless me with children of my own.
Take away infertility from my life and settle me in my own home as a happy mother of children.
Thank you father for doing it for me in Jesus name.
I know that you have granted me a family of my own.
I worship you.
What is abortion? Abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy by taking a foetus from its mother's womb.
Abortion can be induced or may be spontaneous.
Medically induced abortion: this is where a woman consents to a doctor terminating the life of her unborn child.
It may be medically advised, as in cases where the doctor feel conditions exist that could endanger the life of the mother or child.
Women who accidentally become pregnant and do not want to bring such a child into the world might also choose to have such babies aborted.
Abortion is very common among the young women of our generation due to sexual promiscuity.
Spontaneous abortion This is where a woman who is pregnant loses or miscarries the baby.
Many reason are attributed to the cause of this.
The abortion I will be discussing here is induced abortion - where a woman deliberately decides to terminate the life of the child in her womb.
The first statement I will make here is that, "Abortion is wrong before God.
" Yes, each time a life is brutally taken away, it grieves God For the Bible clearly says: "Thou shall not kill.
" (Exodus 20: 13) This question came up because I discovered that a lot of women in the church were worried because the abortion they had had before becoming Christians still haunted them.
They also felt a sense of guilt about it.
They were also afraid that God may deny them children.
It is right to feel guilt about abortion because abortion itself is wrong.
But when you have repented forgive yourself.
Where a woman deliberately takes the life of her unborn offspring that is wrong.
It is a fact that criminal abortions usually performed by quack doctors in haste in ill-equipped clinics are many times more dangerous to the mother than normal childbirth.
It is the general testimony of legitimate physicians that even though the mother survives the shock of this terrible outrage against God and nature, she is often doomed to a life of suffering and misery - physically, mentally and morally.
Hence the guilt experienced by so many of my sisters in the Lord, who have had one or more abortions.
Today I want to bring you the good news that, while abortion is wrong and a sin against God, the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed on the Cross for you has dealt with that abortion..
The power of the blood of Jesus removed all that separated you from God.
That same blood that Jesus shed for you has dealt with all your sins, and you are perfected by His blood.
God does not remember your sins (abortions), not one of them.
For the Bible declares what the Lord says: "...
for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
" (Jeremiah 31: 34).
Every sin is forgotten by the blood of Jesus.
Every sin has been washed away and this gives you unlimited access to the very throne room of God.
For the Bible says: "Now in Christ Jesus, you, who once were far away, have been brought near through the blood of Christ.
" (Ephesians 2: 13) The blood of Jesus has restored your relationship and fellowship with God.
You stand before God as a righteous person; the Bible says that the blood that the sinless Son of God shed for you makes you perfect.
Today I want to encourage you, my beautiful sisters, to let go.
At times it is more difficult for us to forgive ourselves because God has already forgiven us.
Forgive yourself and put that guilt under the blood of Jesus Christ and serve God with peace of mind.
For who the Lord shall set free is free indeed.
Secondly now that you are a Christian you are now in the family of God and the Bible declares all things are yours.
In the Family of God, your Father is the Father who will never give His child a stone for bread.
You have a Father who loves you with an everlasting love, a Father who gave His best in Jesus Christ to redeem you from sin and death.
You are a blessed woman, in the family of God no one shall be childless.
I want you to know today that IF you can will forgive yourself and ask God to heal or bless you with children, He will surely bless you.
For the Bible says that He who ASK receives.
Remember God has forgiven you and He loves you.
God bless you.
Now Say A prayer To God In faith: I ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.
I bring an offering of praise and I come before you with worship in the splendour of your holiness.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.
I bow down in worship.
I kneel before you Lord my Maker.
I tremble before you.
and I bless you.
I exalt the Lord my God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord my God is holy.
Father I thank you forgiving me of all my sin.
I accept your love.
Bless me with children of my own.
Take away infertility from my life and settle me in my own home as a happy mother of children.
Thank you father for doing it for me in Jesus name.
I know that you have granted me a family of my own.
I worship you.