Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - OCD and Fear of Leaving Fingerprints
There is a type of OCD where the sufferer is afraid of leaving fingerprints because they feel that if there is a crime that happens later that they may be falsely accused of something that they didn't do.
This is quite an odd one but it is out there and I feel that it should be addressed by someone.
What you need to realize is that if you have this one, you are not alone.
You need to realize that the odds of you being framed are slim to none.
I would not tell you to go and touch everything that you see.
I would not tell you to touch a gun as this is just stupid.
Never touch a weapon that is not your own.
This is not OCD, it's just covering your own but and is common sense.
However if you have something like a bottle in your hand and you are going to throw it away, don't fear that someone is going to use that to hurt someone and that your fingerprints are on it.
The odds are too low and life is too short for you to fear things like this.
This is one of those situations where you have to let go and let God.
If it is not God's will for you to go to jail, He's not going to let you go.
In these kinds of cases, it's best to stop worrying and tell God that you are leaving it in His hands.
That will make you feel better, try it.
Take action: Sometimes you have to just let go and let God!
This is quite an odd one but it is out there and I feel that it should be addressed by someone.
What you need to realize is that if you have this one, you are not alone.
You need to realize that the odds of you being framed are slim to none.
I would not tell you to go and touch everything that you see.
I would not tell you to touch a gun as this is just stupid.
Never touch a weapon that is not your own.
This is not OCD, it's just covering your own but and is common sense.
However if you have something like a bottle in your hand and you are going to throw it away, don't fear that someone is going to use that to hurt someone and that your fingerprints are on it.
The odds are too low and life is too short for you to fear things like this.
This is one of those situations where you have to let go and let God.
If it is not God's will for you to go to jail, He's not going to let you go.
In these kinds of cases, it's best to stop worrying and tell God that you are leaving it in His hands.
That will make you feel better, try it.
Take action: Sometimes you have to just let go and let God!