Prayer for the Ninth Day of the Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila
On the ninth day of the Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila, we ask Christ for the grace of a good death, that we may die burning with love for Him, as Saint Teresa did.
In the first verse of the prayer, the phrase "Thy most affectionate spouse" refers to the Church, the Bride of Christ.
Prayer for the Ninth Day of the Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila
Lastly, O dearest Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the gift of the precious death which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa, making her sweetly to die of love; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most affectionate spouse, to grant us a good death; and if we do not die of love, yet, that we may at least die burning of love for Thee, that so dying, we may be able to go and love Thee for evermore with a more perfect love in heaven.
V. St. Teresa, pray for us.
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervor of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.