How to Learn What Activity Your Dog Likes
- 1). Present various toys to your dog to see which ones he likes to play with. Only present one toy a day to give your dog a chance to acclimate to it. Your dog will continually go back to toys it enjoys and will mostly ignore ones it is not interested in. This gives you a better guide of what types of toys to buy in the future.
- 2). Use the toys your dog likes to play games like "tug-of-war" and "fetch" to see which games your dog has enthusiasm for. It may take your dog time to learn how to play a particular game, but dogs have a natural tendency to pull and to chase things so you'll see fairly quickly which games your dog prefers over others.
- 3). Take your dog to dog parks and let it socialize with other animals. You'll learn more about your dog's personality in the process. Activities that your dog shows enthusiasm for should be repeated more often.
- 4). Hike with your dog and take it on other excursions to try swimming, obstacle courses and other activities. The more experiences your dog has, the more activities you will find that it enjoys.