Cosmetic Surgery To Remove Eye Bags
Our eyes are the most important organs in our body; unfortunately eyes are the first area that shows the aging signs in our body.
Crow's feet and fine lines will begin to show in the early 30's.
Bags under the eyes, dark circles and puffy eyes can also appear in early ages.
Aging alterations in the skin may cause skin of the eyelids to sag and lose elasticity.
As the skin begins to sag, normal flesh under the eyeball pushes forward against to the lower eyelid, which creates an eye bag or bulge or puffy eye.
A shadow is formed beneath the eyelid that will create a dark circle under the lower eyelid.
Excess skin around the area of eyes may add years to your face.
This condition can be treated by eye bag removal surgery, or blepharoplasty.
Frequently this procedure is performed together with the surgery of upper eyelid to create fresh look and more youthful eye area.
This can also be done together with face lift surgery.
Cosmetic surgery is also known as blepharoplasty that improves the appearance of your both lower eyelids and upper eyelids.
It gives a youthful appearance to the area around the eyes, and making you to look more alert and rested.
Is it right for you? Usually cosmetic surgery is performed on adults who have healthy muscles and facial tissues and have realistic aims for improving the lower and upper eyelids and also surrounding area.
You need to undergo this cosmetic surgery for yourself, but not to satisfy other's desire.
Type of Anesthesia: Usually eyelid cosmetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
The procedure: Eyelid cosmetic surgery takes 1 to 2 hours to complete; usually this time depends on the surgery extent.
In a typical method of surgery, the physician makes some incisions according to the natural lines of the eyelids, just below the eye lashes in lower eyelids and in the crease of the upper lids.
These incisions may also be extended into the laugh lines or crow's feet at the corners of the eyes.
By working through these incisions, surgeon separates the patient's skin from the underlying muscle and fatty tissue, and removes the extra fat as well as trims sagging muscle and skin.
Then these incisions are closed with fine sutures.
What is the recovery period? Recovery time varies from one person to another person and it is better to take rest for one week after having the eyelid cosmetic surgery.
You can start your daily routine within 7 to 10 days after having the surgery.
You should limit your activities for 4 to 6 days and try to avoid activities that are more strenuous for about 3 weeks.
Crow's feet and fine lines will begin to show in the early 30's.
Bags under the eyes, dark circles and puffy eyes can also appear in early ages.
Aging alterations in the skin may cause skin of the eyelids to sag and lose elasticity.
As the skin begins to sag, normal flesh under the eyeball pushes forward against to the lower eyelid, which creates an eye bag or bulge or puffy eye.
A shadow is formed beneath the eyelid that will create a dark circle under the lower eyelid.
Excess skin around the area of eyes may add years to your face.
This condition can be treated by eye bag removal surgery, or blepharoplasty.
Frequently this procedure is performed together with the surgery of upper eyelid to create fresh look and more youthful eye area.
This can also be done together with face lift surgery.
Cosmetic surgery is also known as blepharoplasty that improves the appearance of your both lower eyelids and upper eyelids.
It gives a youthful appearance to the area around the eyes, and making you to look more alert and rested.
Is it right for you? Usually cosmetic surgery is performed on adults who have healthy muscles and facial tissues and have realistic aims for improving the lower and upper eyelids and also surrounding area.
You need to undergo this cosmetic surgery for yourself, but not to satisfy other's desire.
Type of Anesthesia: Usually eyelid cosmetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
The procedure: Eyelid cosmetic surgery takes 1 to 2 hours to complete; usually this time depends on the surgery extent.
In a typical method of surgery, the physician makes some incisions according to the natural lines of the eyelids, just below the eye lashes in lower eyelids and in the crease of the upper lids.
These incisions may also be extended into the laugh lines or crow's feet at the corners of the eyes.
By working through these incisions, surgeon separates the patient's skin from the underlying muscle and fatty tissue, and removes the extra fat as well as trims sagging muscle and skin.
Then these incisions are closed with fine sutures.
What is the recovery period? Recovery time varies from one person to another person and it is better to take rest for one week after having the eyelid cosmetic surgery.
You can start your daily routine within 7 to 10 days after having the surgery.
You should limit your activities for 4 to 6 days and try to avoid activities that are more strenuous for about 3 weeks.