Signs & Symptoms of Breathing Problems
- People with asthma may cough when trying to take a deep breath or after engaging in moderate physical activity. Other breathing disorders such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis may also cause frequent or persistent coughing, which may be frustrating and painful. Coughing at night may cause people to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- People with breathing disorders may have intermittent or persistent difficulty breathing. Some disorders, such as asthma and allergies, may have periods where breathing is difficult and painful followed by less severe or even no symptoms. People with other condition such as emphysema or COPD may constantly have difficulty breathing, which can interfere with normal daily activities, such as eating, swallowing and talking.
- Breathing disorders, such as allergies, rhinitis and chronic bronchitis, may cause people to develop excessive amounts of mucus. People with infections, such as colds, pneumonia or the flu, may have thick mucus that causes congestion and a stuffy nose, or the mucus may be runny and flow freely from the nostrils. Mucus may also run down the back of the throat, which is a complication called post-nasal drip and can lead to a sore throat and hoarse voice.
- People with chronic bronchitis or COPD may feel as if they have something stuck in their throats, due to excessive amounts of phlegm. The phlegm is usually coughed out of the mouth, and may be worst first thing in the morning after waking up. People with breathing disorders may notice that this phlegm is thick and yellowish or greenish in color.
- People with breathing disorders such as COPD or asthma may experience chest pain after doing moderate, strenuous or prolonged physical activity. They may also develop pain in the chest or throat when trying to take a deep breath. Pain caused by breathing disorders may be worse if people have more than one type of disorder or if they also have a respiratory infection such as a cold or the flu.
- People with asthma or emphysema may experience wheezing even while resting or sitting. The wheezing may get worse when doing light physical activity such as walking or climbing a flight of stairs. Emotional stress, humid weather and air pollution can worsen wheezing caused by breathing disorders.
Difficulty Breathing