What to Do If You Have Moved Since Filing Your Taxes
- If you change jobs when you move, you must leave your former employer a forwarding address for him to send you the proper tax forms at the end of the year. If you move and do not change jobs, it is easy to forget to let your employer know your new address. Remember to do so before the end of the year so that you can receive your W-2 in a timely manner.
- Changing your address on file with your financial institutions helps to keep an accurate address on file so that your bank or other financial institution can send you tax forms related to your taxes. Make sure you have your address changed on any accounts that can affect your taxes. That includes savings accounts, retirement funds, other investments, health savings accounts and student loan accounts. To change your address, you can either visit in person and fill out a form, change your personal information online or check a copy of a paper bill or statement for a change of address form you can mail back.
- Just in case you forget to change your address on an account, you should change your address with the post office. This can be done online (see Resources) or at the post office. Change your address with the post office a week ahead of time so that you do not forget during the chaos of moving. You can change your address ahead of time and give an official start date in the future. If you move in January, changing your address with the post office in a timely manner is especially important because that is when most tax documents are mailed out, and you do not want any important documents lost in the mail.
- The IRS no longer sends taxpayers forms or instructions booklets through the mail. This means you do not need to change your address on record with the IRS. Instead, you need to visit the IRS website or your local library to get the forms you need to file taxes. When you file your taxes for the first time after the move, use your new address on the tax forms, and the IRS will change your address on record. If you move after filing your taxes but before receiving a refund, contact the IRS directly to change your mailing address.
Financial Institutions
Post Office
Internal Revenue Service