How Do I Feed Baby Blue Birds?
- If a female bird is scared away from her nest by humans, she will abandon her baby.bluebird perch image by Dwight Davis from
Observe the nest for about 4 hours to determine if the chicks are truly orphaned. If the mother bluebird is nearby and she feels like you have interfered, she will leave her babies. Make sure they don't have a mother bird around taking care of them. - Baby bluebirds need a diet high in bluebird and eggs image by Jelou from
A baby bluebird needs a diet high in protein to grow into a strong fledgling. Meal-worms and crickets can be found under old logs, pieces of lumber or rocks in the backyard. If these are not plentiful in nature, they may be obtained at a local shop that sells fishing bait. Other options are canned puppy and kitten food. Offer the food with blunt tipped tweezers. - A male Eastern Bluebird sits on a stump.Male Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) on a stump image by Steve Byland from
A baby bluebird is dependent on its parents for food for about 15 to 20 days after hatching. Be prepared to care for it for 2 to 3 weeks. By the time it is three weeks old, it will be ready to spread its wings and fly away.
Baby Blues
Baby Bluebird Diet
Taking Flight