Hemorrhoids Treatments
Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from straining during a bowel movement or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy, among other causes.
How are hemorrhoids prevented? The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs. Exercise, including walking, and increased fiber in the diet help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and easier to pass.
Doctors will often recommend increasing fiber and fluids in the diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of fluid(not alcohol) result in softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorrhoids from protruding. Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition, doctors may suggest a bulk stool softener or a fiber supplement.
In some cases, hemorrhoids must be treated endoscopically or surgically. These methods are used to shrink and destroy the hemorrhoidal tissue. The doctor will perform the procedure during an office or hospital visit. A number of methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of internal hemorrhoids. These techniques are as following.
(1) Rubber band ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum. The band cuts off circulation, and the hemorrhoid withers away within a few days. (2) Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid. (3) Infrared coagulation: A special device is used to burn hemorrhoidal tissue. (4) Hemorrhoidectomy: Occasionally, extensive or severe internal or external hemorrhoids may require removal by surgery known as hemorrhoidectomy.
Hemorrhoids are a common health condition worldwide. Along with over-the-counter topical agents, there are several treatment modalities at the disposal of physicians to treat hemorrhoids. However, many of these modalities can be distressing for the patient.
Conservative medical therapies for hemorrhoids include diet, lifestyle changes, and hydrotherapy which require a high degree of patient compliance to be effective. When conservative hemorrhoid therapy is ineffective, many doctors turn to other non-surgical modalities. These include injection sclerotherapy, manual dilation of the anus, rubber band ligation, cryotherapy, bipolar diathermy, infrared photocoagulation, or direct current electrocoagulation.
Non-surgical modalities require physicians to be specially trained, own specialized equipment, and assume associated risks. If a non-surgical approach fails, the patient is often referred to a surgeon. The costly and uncomfortable nature of treatment options often leads a patient to postpone evaluation until aggressive intervention is necessary.
Oral dietary supplementation is an attractive addition to the traditional topical treatment of hemorrhoids. The loss of vascular integrity is associated with the pathogenesis of hemorrhoids. In terms of oral supplementation, the botanical extracts in AntiHemorrhoidDrops have been shown to improve microcirculation, capillary flow, and vascular tone, and to strengthen the connective tissue of the perivascular amorphous substrate of the rectum.
Application of HemorrhoidBalm-Rx and oral supplementation with AntiHemorrhoidDrops are therefore able to prevent time-consuming, painful, and expensive medical treatment for hemorrhoids. HemorrhoidBalm-Rx and AntiHemorrhoidDrops provide an immediate and direct therapeutic result to rapidly and safely eliminate hemorrhoids, guaranteed.
NaturesPharma"'""s hemorrhoids treatments are highly specialized. Clinical trials of these treatments against hemorrhoids confirm their superb anti-hemorrhoid action, resulting in fast clinical efficacy in management, treatment and control of hemorrhoids"' without adverse side effects. To learn more about the permanent elimination of internal and external hemorrhoids, please go to http://www.forcesofnatureusa.com.
How are hemorrhoids prevented? The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs. Exercise, including walking, and increased fiber in the diet help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and easier to pass.
Doctors will often recommend increasing fiber and fluids in the diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of fluid(not alcohol) result in softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorrhoids from protruding. Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition, doctors may suggest a bulk stool softener or a fiber supplement.
In some cases, hemorrhoids must be treated endoscopically or surgically. These methods are used to shrink and destroy the hemorrhoidal tissue. The doctor will perform the procedure during an office or hospital visit. A number of methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of internal hemorrhoids. These techniques are as following.
(1) Rubber band ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum. The band cuts off circulation, and the hemorrhoid withers away within a few days. (2) Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid. (3) Infrared coagulation: A special device is used to burn hemorrhoidal tissue. (4) Hemorrhoidectomy: Occasionally, extensive or severe internal or external hemorrhoids may require removal by surgery known as hemorrhoidectomy.
Hemorrhoids are a common health condition worldwide. Along with over-the-counter topical agents, there are several treatment modalities at the disposal of physicians to treat hemorrhoids. However, many of these modalities can be distressing for the patient.
Conservative medical therapies for hemorrhoids include diet, lifestyle changes, and hydrotherapy which require a high degree of patient compliance to be effective. When conservative hemorrhoid therapy is ineffective, many doctors turn to other non-surgical modalities. These include injection sclerotherapy, manual dilation of the anus, rubber band ligation, cryotherapy, bipolar diathermy, infrared photocoagulation, or direct current electrocoagulation.
Non-surgical modalities require physicians to be specially trained, own specialized equipment, and assume associated risks. If a non-surgical approach fails, the patient is often referred to a surgeon. The costly and uncomfortable nature of treatment options often leads a patient to postpone evaluation until aggressive intervention is necessary.
Oral dietary supplementation is an attractive addition to the traditional topical treatment of hemorrhoids. The loss of vascular integrity is associated with the pathogenesis of hemorrhoids. In terms of oral supplementation, the botanical extracts in AntiHemorrhoidDrops have been shown to improve microcirculation, capillary flow, and vascular tone, and to strengthen the connective tissue of the perivascular amorphous substrate of the rectum.
Application of HemorrhoidBalm-Rx and oral supplementation with AntiHemorrhoidDrops are therefore able to prevent time-consuming, painful, and expensive medical treatment for hemorrhoids. HemorrhoidBalm-Rx and AntiHemorrhoidDrops provide an immediate and direct therapeutic result to rapidly and safely eliminate hemorrhoids, guaranteed.
NaturesPharma"'""s hemorrhoids treatments are highly specialized. Clinical trials of these treatments against hemorrhoids confirm their superb anti-hemorrhoid action, resulting in fast clinical efficacy in management, treatment and control of hemorrhoids"' without adverse side effects. To learn more about the permanent elimination of internal and external hemorrhoids, please go to http://www.forcesofnatureusa.com.