The Embarrassment and Indignity of Growing Old - Adult Diapers
Aging can be a cruel process.
There comes a point in time in most people's lives when certain things no longer work quite the way they once did.
You slow down, you get liver spots, you hurt everywhere and you start chugging more pills than Janis Joplin did in her peak.
But it's not just the aches & pains that find you.
Simple things we take for granted can become an ordeal, and embarrassment lurks around every corner! It's the beginning of the subtle erosion of your independence.
The reality of incontinence is never clearer than when you lose control of your bladder.
You start buying for clothes not based on style or comfort, but for how well they hide a telltale stain.
When out at parties or at the mall or possibly the playground with the kids, you chart bathroom routes and "escape" strategies.
Every trip out of your house becomes an effort, every outing a possible accident...
While most people are convinced that it is only seniors that are afflicted by incontinence, in reality they don't make up the lion's share of the market for incontinence products.
Have you ever found yourself staring an empty adult diaper bag, or ran short of your adult diapers when the last thing you want to do is go out? No more rushing to the store hoping they will have adult diapers or adult briefs in your size.
No more wrestling bags & adult diaper boxes into your car & home (in front of prying eyes of neighbors! Shop from your home & have your adult diapers & incontinence supplies delivered discreetly to your door! Adults who suffer from urinary incontinence have to deal with the consequences of their condition every day.
For some, age is the culprit - the muscles that control the urge to 'go' just are not doing their job well.
Others may suffer from an infection, or the after-effects of a surgery.
Women often have difficulty with urinary control after pregnancy - just ask any new mother what happens when she sneezes suddenly! Nor is it limited only to women - men with prostrate issues, taking medication or even ones who suffer from certain neurological diseases can also be affected.
All sufferers eventually end up at the same, standing in the adult diaper aisle at the local store.
It's hard, standing there.
You try to pretend you are considering something else at first; surreptitiously checking to the left and right to make sure no-one else wanders down the aisle before zeroing in on your actual target.
If anyone even acts like they are thinking about turning the corner, you instantly perform a 180 spin and pretend to be absorbed in permanent hair color instead.
The sheer variety of adult diapers and incontinence products makes things even worse.
The 'underpants' come in different sizes, have different 'control' areas for men versus women, and a myriad of other features.
This makes finding the product you really hard to locate, when you are constantly jumping at every sound and fervently praying your neighbor doesn't suddenly appear behind you.
'Pull ups' sounds like a toddler product useful for sleepovers.
'Easy tear away sides' - those definitely belong on a Chippendale dancer's pants! 'Ultra dryness protection with no-flow channels and patented wick away technology' - who are they trying to fool? Adult diapers are adult diapers and there's not a whole lot you can do to dress that up.
After you make your selection and hide them under four boxes of Choco Fruity Soy Oats you will never eat, a beach ball on sale (it's December), and two newspapers carefully and messily arranged, you head warily for the checkout line at the front of the store.
Of course, there's only one register open when you finally reach the front of the store.
There is also invariably someone you know standing in line ahead of you.
In addition, adult diapers and incontinence products for some odd reason have frequent price adjustments applied, so the bar code will almost certainly come up as invalid while the cashier (who has been staring at you oddly while scanning up two identical newspapers, four boxes of Choco Fruity Soy Oats and a limp beach ball) tries to scan it.
As the call goes out on the loudspeaker for a price check at lane three, you suddenly 'discover' you left your billfold at home and hurriedly exit the store, mentally calculating what it will cost you in gasoline to do your shopping at the next town over for the next few weeks.
This was the old scenario.
Nowadays, fortunately, purchasing such embarrassing items as 'adult diapers' doesn't have to be humiliating! Adult diaper and incontinence product companies on the internet now make it easy for you to buy online and have your necessary adult diapers and incontinence products delivered right to your door in discreet packaging - snoopy neighbors will be clueless and you'll be embarrassment free.
There comes a point in time in most people's lives when certain things no longer work quite the way they once did.
You slow down, you get liver spots, you hurt everywhere and you start chugging more pills than Janis Joplin did in her peak.
But it's not just the aches & pains that find you.
Simple things we take for granted can become an ordeal, and embarrassment lurks around every corner! It's the beginning of the subtle erosion of your independence.
The reality of incontinence is never clearer than when you lose control of your bladder.
You start buying for clothes not based on style or comfort, but for how well they hide a telltale stain.
When out at parties or at the mall or possibly the playground with the kids, you chart bathroom routes and "escape" strategies.
Every trip out of your house becomes an effort, every outing a possible accident...
While most people are convinced that it is only seniors that are afflicted by incontinence, in reality they don't make up the lion's share of the market for incontinence products.
Have you ever found yourself staring an empty adult diaper bag, or ran short of your adult diapers when the last thing you want to do is go out? No more rushing to the store hoping they will have adult diapers or adult briefs in your size.
No more wrestling bags & adult diaper boxes into your car & home (in front of prying eyes of neighbors! Shop from your home & have your adult diapers & incontinence supplies delivered discreetly to your door! Adults who suffer from urinary incontinence have to deal with the consequences of their condition every day.
For some, age is the culprit - the muscles that control the urge to 'go' just are not doing their job well.
Others may suffer from an infection, or the after-effects of a surgery.
Women often have difficulty with urinary control after pregnancy - just ask any new mother what happens when she sneezes suddenly! Nor is it limited only to women - men with prostrate issues, taking medication or even ones who suffer from certain neurological diseases can also be affected.
All sufferers eventually end up at the same, standing in the adult diaper aisle at the local store.
It's hard, standing there.
You try to pretend you are considering something else at first; surreptitiously checking to the left and right to make sure no-one else wanders down the aisle before zeroing in on your actual target.
If anyone even acts like they are thinking about turning the corner, you instantly perform a 180 spin and pretend to be absorbed in permanent hair color instead.
The sheer variety of adult diapers and incontinence products makes things even worse.
The 'underpants' come in different sizes, have different 'control' areas for men versus women, and a myriad of other features.
This makes finding the product you really hard to locate, when you are constantly jumping at every sound and fervently praying your neighbor doesn't suddenly appear behind you.
'Pull ups' sounds like a toddler product useful for sleepovers.
'Easy tear away sides' - those definitely belong on a Chippendale dancer's pants! 'Ultra dryness protection with no-flow channels and patented wick away technology' - who are they trying to fool? Adult diapers are adult diapers and there's not a whole lot you can do to dress that up.
After you make your selection and hide them under four boxes of Choco Fruity Soy Oats you will never eat, a beach ball on sale (it's December), and two newspapers carefully and messily arranged, you head warily for the checkout line at the front of the store.
Of course, there's only one register open when you finally reach the front of the store.
There is also invariably someone you know standing in line ahead of you.
In addition, adult diapers and incontinence products for some odd reason have frequent price adjustments applied, so the bar code will almost certainly come up as invalid while the cashier (who has been staring at you oddly while scanning up two identical newspapers, four boxes of Choco Fruity Soy Oats and a limp beach ball) tries to scan it.
As the call goes out on the loudspeaker for a price check at lane three, you suddenly 'discover' you left your billfold at home and hurriedly exit the store, mentally calculating what it will cost you in gasoline to do your shopping at the next town over for the next few weeks.
This was the old scenario.
Nowadays, fortunately, purchasing such embarrassing items as 'adult diapers' doesn't have to be humiliating! Adult diaper and incontinence product companies on the internet now make it easy for you to buy online and have your necessary adult diapers and incontinence products delivered right to your door in discreet packaging - snoopy neighbors will be clueless and you'll be embarrassment free.