Emily"s Story: How God Turned a Teenager"s Ruined Life Right Side Up
Emily explains in her own words how this poem for teens came about:
"I wrote this poem after I awoke in the night. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and had these words in my mind. I knew God was speaking to me and he wasn't going to let me sleep until I had written them in my journal! This poem for teens expresses the story of my life and how God by his grace turned it upside down. For that I am so very grateful."
Looking Through Different Eyes - My Testimony Poem
Grew up in a Christian home. Middle child I was. Never alone.
We went to church and I was taught all the right things.
Until I reached out to the world, flapped my own wings.
I was not ready to fly…too young…but I tried.
At the young age of 13 I gave away my most precious gift.
I was getting sucked in. Me? ... Oblivious.
At 14 it was pot and cigarettes. Wagging every day.
I was at the top of my own list …
Sneaking out most nights, I brought my parents to tears.
They were losing their little girl. Me? ... I didn't care…
The day came when they let me go.
At 15 I was "mature" and "independent" they needed to know.
So I was free? Free from rules and my parent's instructions.
Little did I know, my boyfriend took this role.
And created his own restrictions.
I wasn't as free as I thought. I was in more bondage
Than before and it didn't change for 7 years.
I fought back so many tears.
So here I was, a slave to all my addictions.
Love, drugs and most of all, myself.
I was on my own pedestal … and I wasn't about to come down.
Selling drugs was our lifestyle,
Living to fill others' bottomless pits.
No one was ever satisfied … but they never seemed to quit.
Worry was my best friend, although pride and shame came close.
I was proud of my bad name.
But I wasn't always the girl my partner wanted the most.
My smile was on the outside. Walls of trust breaking down.
Hoping on a better tomorrow.
That maybe one day, I would be found.
My future from here looked grey.
But I had accepted that fact.
I was content that this was my life
There was no turning back.
Those fairytale romances would stay in my dreams.
I would tell myself "Maybe it will get better someday …
You'll see …"
When the drugs went from green to white
I really got to taste from the devil's well.
Thinking things I've never thought and seeing things
I'd never tell …
At first it was amazing, then the fights came in.
Friendships went to war. At this point everything
I did was sin.
You could trust no one, everyone had their own back.
Insecurities were everywhere. Most people just wished
For a life that was on track.
To some it was a meaningless quote that got them
Through the day. For me, the further I went,
I was adamant I was going insane …
Going to the doctor's was my first step to recovery.
Then to the counsellor, who was lovely.
They both said I could be anything I wanted to be.
But the thoughts in my head
And sickness in my stomach said otherwise.
"It" said this was forever my life.
I was never going to fly.
Using all the strength I could muster, I tried to fight.
Telling this voice inside me that it didn't belong.
But I was using my own might.
The truth was, I had a burden. A heavy burden
Of anxiety.
That only the Lord could make light.
It took a while before admitting defeat.
I had tried many different things.
But here I was, before the Lord …
I was down on my knees.
I walked slowly at the start, going to a few
Services, I was mostly alone.
At the time it was the only thing that was
Giving me hope …
One by one, He brought new people into my life.
Before I knew it, I was looking through
Different eyes.
The time my sister came along, I recommitted my life.
Since that day she has never left my side.
God gave me the strength I didn't have on my own.
He helped me give up the evil things that were
So close to my soul.
Feeding me only what I could handle,
He led me out of darkness and despair, dusted me off.
He saved me from Satan's lair.
Obedience and faith have been near to my heart.
Dead limbs have been trimmed,
Some close friends have had ways part.
Many people distanced themselves and threw insults.
They talked about us and said we had joined
Some sort of cult.
Through that time we got to talk to people who
Wouldn't normally listen.
The Lord used us to mend gaps and open
Them up spiritually to Him.
Whatever you sacrifice for the Lord He will
Bless you with so much more.
I stand with boldness today.
The Lord has saved and grown me,
I am well on my way.
Many trials I dealt with in my new Christian walk.
Anxiety still faces me but deep inside is a
Stronger force.
Jesus uncovered my old desires and dreams.
Things I never thought possible were now going to
Happen to me!
The old life is gone and the new has come!
My journey with Christ has only just begun.
He has healed all my wounds and patched
All my scars.
He has built strongholds
Not easily torn apart.
God has given me more confidence and helped
Me to hold my head high.
I am honored that He uses me,
To speak into other people's lives.
I love to live for Him and I want the world to know
The secret of a fulfilled soul.
Accepting Jesus in your heart.
I was empty …
And He was the missing part.
-- Emily Jones
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