Spirit Day Dress-Up Ideas
- The element of fun that comes with wearing a funny hat encourages students to participate in Spirit Day.Marcy Maloy/Photodisc/Getty Images
Encouraging school spirit is an important endeavor for educators. The process unites students as a group and instills a sense of pride in the entirety of the school community. In order to maintain a constant emphasis on school spirit without causing a high degree of distraction or interruption in the daily education schedule, many leaders implement a weekly or monthly spirit-day dress up. There are many ways students and employees can show their school spirit by making a statement with something they are wearing. - We often instruct students, especially male students, to remove their hats upon entering the classroom. For this reason, hat day is an extra special treat for young people. On hat day, students can come to school wearing any kind of hat they want. Baseball caps, French berets, stylish fedoras or any other head topper are all acceptable choices. Any hat that isn't too tall or too distracting for other students will work.
- Crazy hair day gives students an opportunity to try a new style or see themselves in a new way for the sake of school spirit. Students and teachers may even decide they like their crazy style better than their old one. Braids, spikes, bows and streaks of color will bring a little fun and excitement to the classroom.
- For sock day, students can wear crazy colors or patterns. They can wear multiple socks or a style not usually worn for school, such as extra long athletic socks. Students can wear socks they designed themselves with markers or fabric paint. They can also wear two different socks or two different shoes to show their school spirit.
- Wearing school colors is the most traditional way of showing school spirit. One suggestion is to ask students to wear a shirt bearing the school colors. To encourage participation, the principal can award a prize to the classroom in each grade level with the most students wearing school colors. Students don't necessarily need to wear an official school shirt. Just the right color will count.
- Button day is fun for students because it gives them an opportunity to design their own accessories. Construction paper and tape is all that is required to make the buttons. Have students use a circle pattern to cut out their button and then color it with school colors or logos or even the school motto. Students can make multiple buttons with their own design and trade with friends. Students can wear multiple buttons of their friends' creation and can decide whose they like the best.
Hat Day
Crazy Hair Day
Sock Day
School Colors
Button Day