The Secrets of New Born Puppy Care
Like newborn babies, your new born puppy requires the same loving attention and care.
And just like newborn babies, your new born puppy will require more sleep than adult dogs and constant feeding.
A new born puppy is very weak.
A good way to prevent health complications is provide your new born puppy with all nutrients that it can get by allowing it to drink it's mother milk.
Never stop them ever and constantly take a peak at them to see if they had their mothers milk within the first 12 hours.
This is crucial for it's nutritional value.
Like all mothers, the mother dog has a natural instinct to care for it's baby.
But in certain rare cases, the mother dog may neglect one of them.
Then you have to take the responsibility to care for your new born puppy.
As newborn puppies don't produce body heat in the first few weeks, it is a good idea that the mother keeps them warm to prevent them from catching pneumonia.
For the first week, prepare and place your new born puppies in a large dog basket or a box with some soft bed sheets.
Also place a dim lamp beside them to keep them warm.
A good temperature would be a constant about 97 degrees.
Check in with your vet or a puppy owner for recommended commercial nutrient formulas for new born puppies.
It is extremely important to bottle feed them during their first 48 to 72 hours, every two - three hours.
Gently pat their backs after feeding them to allow burping.
Make sure that the bottle nipple hole is not too big when bottle feeding them.
Don't take any chances and be very careful as they can choke and develop pneumonia due to excess liquid going to their lungs which lead to fatality.
Make sure you do these thing in the first crucial couple of weeks.
After that, you can start by feeding him blended puppy cereals combined with a puppy formula.
I wish you all the best in caring for your new born puppy.
Consult with your vet or check in with your local pet store to get more additional tips, guides and new born puppy care information.
And just like newborn babies, your new born puppy will require more sleep than adult dogs and constant feeding.
A new born puppy is very weak.
A good way to prevent health complications is provide your new born puppy with all nutrients that it can get by allowing it to drink it's mother milk.
Never stop them ever and constantly take a peak at them to see if they had their mothers milk within the first 12 hours.
This is crucial for it's nutritional value.
Like all mothers, the mother dog has a natural instinct to care for it's baby.
But in certain rare cases, the mother dog may neglect one of them.
Then you have to take the responsibility to care for your new born puppy.
As newborn puppies don't produce body heat in the first few weeks, it is a good idea that the mother keeps them warm to prevent them from catching pneumonia.
For the first week, prepare and place your new born puppies in a large dog basket or a box with some soft bed sheets.
Also place a dim lamp beside them to keep them warm.
A good temperature would be a constant about 97 degrees.
Check in with your vet or a puppy owner for recommended commercial nutrient formulas for new born puppies.
It is extremely important to bottle feed them during their first 48 to 72 hours, every two - three hours.
Gently pat their backs after feeding them to allow burping.
Make sure that the bottle nipple hole is not too big when bottle feeding them.
Don't take any chances and be very careful as they can choke and develop pneumonia due to excess liquid going to their lungs which lead to fatality.
Make sure you do these thing in the first crucial couple of weeks.
After that, you can start by feeding him blended puppy cereals combined with a puppy formula.
I wish you all the best in caring for your new born puppy.
Consult with your vet or check in with your local pet store to get more additional tips, guides and new born puppy care information.