Feel Your Feelings and Empower Your Inner Doctor!
You can learn how to work with these messages, because body communication is personal.
But, there is a tricky aspect to listening to our body's messages.
Sometimes we might hear the messages loud and clear, but we don't want to listen and we don't want to take action.
For example, we might hear that it is time to move out of this job or this relationship, or it is time to follow that passion.
Taking steps toward these decisions can bring up a whole cluster of other issues like insecurities, self-doubt, fear, or crippling thoughts of inaccuracy.
WE NEED TO LISTEN to our feelings and our bodies feedback! If we don't listen, we shut down and we stuff ourselves with food.
If you are overeating or emotional eating...
chances are there is something you don't want to listen to.
And you are stuffing it down with food.
This behavior then stops the feedback.
Then we get distracted by focusing on this crash diet, calorie counting, another endless program...
when all we need to do is listen...
and take the steps necessary for change! If we don't listen not only do we end up gaining weight but we also end up with stored pain and other illness.
We take drugs and we have surgeries, because we just don't want to do what we know we should do.
Some of you might be saying, "But I am doing everything, I am taking action, I am eating healthy, I am moving towards my goal...
there is nothing more.
" In this case the message might be learning to have more compassion for yourself; taking steps with love, learning how to nurture, and learning how to live in experience rather than expectation As we learn the body's messages, we learn from ourselves where we avoid, where we don't take responsibility, and where we shut down.
Remember, this is a journey and an exploration, so it should be fun.
Now let's do a little exercise to get the experience of feeling your body and empowering your inner doctor now.
OK, now stand up.
Feel your body.
Shake it out.
Arch your back.
Wiggle and writhe.
Feel it.
Now listen.
What do you feel? Where? Write it down.
Go deeper.
What is the message? When you begin to let your feelings out you will feel pain, sadness, regret, and shame...
sometimes, but you will also unleash ecstasy, love, vitality, excitement, and joy in a whole new way.
You will feel it in a way that will lead you to wholeness, health, vigor, and your true life purpose! There are important steps to feel your feelings, and then transcend negative feelings into a positive state.
Prepare yourself to have the experience now! Follow the below steps, memorize them and repeat often! Bring yourself into silence.
Be present with your body and the moment.
Be still and allow yourself to be down in some type of sacred environment, if possible.
Any time you are choosing to overeat, sit in silence and take the following steps: 1.
What are you feeling? 2.
Are you feeling stress, anxiety, or fear? 3.
Sit still.
Write in your journal.
Surrender your feelings over to your higher intelligence, love, divinity, and God (important distinction: God is within, but this can be a higher intelligence or simply LOVE!).
Insert with self-love.
Following these 7 steps can produce miracle healings in your life.
Start with weight loss and know these steps can be used for almost any pain or illness in the body.
This is a sacred ritual so treat it wisely.
But, there is a tricky aspect to listening to our body's messages.
Sometimes we might hear the messages loud and clear, but we don't want to listen and we don't want to take action.
For example, we might hear that it is time to move out of this job or this relationship, or it is time to follow that passion.
Taking steps toward these decisions can bring up a whole cluster of other issues like insecurities, self-doubt, fear, or crippling thoughts of inaccuracy.
WE NEED TO LISTEN to our feelings and our bodies feedback! If we don't listen, we shut down and we stuff ourselves with food.
If you are overeating or emotional eating...
chances are there is something you don't want to listen to.
And you are stuffing it down with food.
This behavior then stops the feedback.
Then we get distracted by focusing on this crash diet, calorie counting, another endless program...
when all we need to do is listen...
and take the steps necessary for change! If we don't listen not only do we end up gaining weight but we also end up with stored pain and other illness.
We take drugs and we have surgeries, because we just don't want to do what we know we should do.
Some of you might be saying, "But I am doing everything, I am taking action, I am eating healthy, I am moving towards my goal...
there is nothing more.
" In this case the message might be learning to have more compassion for yourself; taking steps with love, learning how to nurture, and learning how to live in experience rather than expectation As we learn the body's messages, we learn from ourselves where we avoid, where we don't take responsibility, and where we shut down.
Remember, this is a journey and an exploration, so it should be fun.
Now let's do a little exercise to get the experience of feeling your body and empowering your inner doctor now.
OK, now stand up.
Feel your body.
Shake it out.
Arch your back.
Wiggle and writhe.
Feel it.
Now listen.
What do you feel? Where? Write it down.
Go deeper.
What is the message? When you begin to let your feelings out you will feel pain, sadness, regret, and shame...
sometimes, but you will also unleash ecstasy, love, vitality, excitement, and joy in a whole new way.
You will feel it in a way that will lead you to wholeness, health, vigor, and your true life purpose! There are important steps to feel your feelings, and then transcend negative feelings into a positive state.
Prepare yourself to have the experience now! Follow the below steps, memorize them and repeat often! Bring yourself into silence.
Be present with your body and the moment.
Be still and allow yourself to be down in some type of sacred environment, if possible.
Any time you are choosing to overeat, sit in silence and take the following steps: 1.
What are you feeling? 2.
Are you feeling stress, anxiety, or fear? 3.
Sit still.
Write in your journal.
Surrender your feelings over to your higher intelligence, love, divinity, and God (important distinction: God is within, but this can be a higher intelligence or simply LOVE!).
Insert with self-love.
Following these 7 steps can produce miracle healings in your life.
Start with weight loss and know these steps can be used for almost any pain or illness in the body.
This is a sacred ritual so treat it wisely.