Important Aspects To Know About Breast Enhancement and Implant-II
In the previous article, €5 Crucial Aspects To Know About Breast Enhancement & Implant€ you read about certain facts that are important to know before going for the breast enhancement surgery, here is the continuation to the same.
1. A reality behind silicone implants: Do you know that way back in 1992, silicone breast implants were banned by FDA. There were several cases reported against them, as they patients got ill after the surgery. US Government conducted an extensive research in 1997, where The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science (IOM) found that €Evidence suggests diseases or conditions such as connective tissue diseases, cancer, neurological diseases or other systemic complaints or conditions are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.€ And after that in 2006, the implants are back in existence with proven safety. Now, the cosmetic surgery in abroad with silicone implants is again possible.
2. Incision possibilities: For breast enhancement, incision is made on the breast from which implants are inserted. There are four options for incision sites, which are: inframammary fold line (under the breast), peri-areolar (around the areola or nipple), trans-umbilical (through the belly button), and trans-axillary (in the arm pit). Before making the decision about this, it is important to consult the certified doctor.
3. Possibility about breast feeding: Surgeons say that it is not possible to breast feed after the implants, due to several reasons. However, certain expert says that if breast implant is done under the pectoralis muscle, then it is possible to breast feed; though one should definitely consult the surgeon about pregnancy plans to have a clear idea.
4. Assurance of the desired results: If you have certain expectations about how you would look after the surgery, then you might get disappointed as well. There isn't 100% assurance of getting expected results. Do consult your surgeon and make realistic expectations; this would help you decide better.
5. Possibilities & problems: Considering the complications & risks associated with the surgeries is utmost important for deciding whether to go under the knife or not. The implants may rupture or leak that can cause serious health problems, out of which risk of cancer is also one. After breast surgeries, you'll have to continuously monitor the changes in the breast for the lifelong, & even have to go for MRI examinations at regular intervals. Anyhow, when you'll consult the certified breast augmentation surgeon, he'll tell you about all the possibilities & problems.
Other than this, do ask friends, relatives or people, who have gone through the surgeries to know about personal experiences.
1. A reality behind silicone implants: Do you know that way back in 1992, silicone breast implants were banned by FDA. There were several cases reported against them, as they patients got ill after the surgery. US Government conducted an extensive research in 1997, where The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science (IOM) found that €Evidence suggests diseases or conditions such as connective tissue diseases, cancer, neurological diseases or other systemic complaints or conditions are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.€ And after that in 2006, the implants are back in existence with proven safety. Now, the cosmetic surgery in abroad with silicone implants is again possible.
2. Incision possibilities: For breast enhancement, incision is made on the breast from which implants are inserted. There are four options for incision sites, which are: inframammary fold line (under the breast), peri-areolar (around the areola or nipple), trans-umbilical (through the belly button), and trans-axillary (in the arm pit). Before making the decision about this, it is important to consult the certified doctor.
3. Possibility about breast feeding: Surgeons say that it is not possible to breast feed after the implants, due to several reasons. However, certain expert says that if breast implant is done under the pectoralis muscle, then it is possible to breast feed; though one should definitely consult the surgeon about pregnancy plans to have a clear idea.
4. Assurance of the desired results: If you have certain expectations about how you would look after the surgery, then you might get disappointed as well. There isn't 100% assurance of getting expected results. Do consult your surgeon and make realistic expectations; this would help you decide better.
5. Possibilities & problems: Considering the complications & risks associated with the surgeries is utmost important for deciding whether to go under the knife or not. The implants may rupture or leak that can cause serious health problems, out of which risk of cancer is also one. After breast surgeries, you'll have to continuously monitor the changes in the breast for the lifelong, & even have to go for MRI examinations at regular intervals. Anyhow, when you'll consult the certified breast augmentation surgeon, he'll tell you about all the possibilities & problems.
Other than this, do ask friends, relatives or people, who have gone through the surgeries to know about personal experiences.