Gold Bullion and Financial Sense Integer
Gold Bullion Money Making Success System- Gold Bullion and Financial Sense Integer To expand upon the last article Gold Bullion and Financial Sense; takes us deeper into the realm of banking secrets which should be understood in some meaningful way as to demystify the technical, to simple descriptive yet expansive identification of problems currently endemic in the financial and consequently the economic sectors of many western nations.
For clarity banks lobbied hard to do away with the Glass Steagall Act which inhibited banks from creating derivatives of any kind including all of the other related instruments created by banks to leverage and make bets on a wide range of both tangible and intangibles.
However to understand why western governments are bailing out these banks many of which created the global crisis, requires that we understand where banks and governments are economically and financially today considering that money printing is the empty barrel to which governments globally continue to visit for fiscal solutions.
To begin with, banks are insolvent and most western governments who have decided to back and bailout these banks with their enormous debts amounting to three and even ten times the total GDP of these nations, have in fact taken upon themselves debts which in principle and practice can never be repaid, and has compelled these governments worldwide to impose austerity measures upon the populations of their respective populations.
But austerity by definition means to save an economy, or act of self-denial, especially in respect of something regarded as a luxury, which is not what is actually occurring, banks that fail are a luxury, not the people who work, create and contribute to the real economy.
Bankers Mentality: Now let us observe the thinking of both the governments and the bankers: Western governments have been told by the banking elite that they must bail out these large financial institutions at the expense of their citizens because if they do not, the entire financial systems worldwide will collapse in a matter of weeks, as such institutions cannot be allowed to fail.
And to add injury to insult, these elite bankers threatened governments with terrorist possibilities if they should procrastinate, these as well as other threatening incentives were virulently proposed at all levels to federal government agencies.
Government Mentality: Immediately following these threats, many governments from all around the globe began preparations of providing banks with whatever funding they wanted in return for not crashing the world economies, providing the banks with all of this bail out money would also require that governments also do the following
Now let us look at the banks abilities, which enable these institutions so much clout on every continent in which they operate: 1.
Power of Deposit Taking 2.
Banking Global Powers 3.
Power to Issue Securities 4.
Power to Issue Credit Cards 5.
Power of Lending 6.
Statutory Powers 7.
To Act as Natural Persons 8.
To Act as Attorney-in-Fact 9.
To Act as Officers, Agent, Employees 10.
Power to Make Contracts 11.
Power to Borrow 12.
Power to Create Agencies and Joint Ventures 13.
Power of Investment 14.
Power to Deal in Goodwill 15.
Power of Donation 16.
Power of Guaranty 17.
Power of Trustee 18.
Power to Provide Confidential Accounts 19.
Power to Act as Investor Adviser 20.
Power to Act as Consultant 21.
Power to Deal in Precious Metals 22.
Power to Deal in Securities and Commodities Brokerage 23.
Power to Deal In Insurance Brokerage 24.
Power of Inventory Financing 25.
Power to Deal in Real Estate 26.
Power to Deal in Shipping 27.
Power to Create Correspondent Banking Relationships 28.
Power to Establish Bank Accounts 29.
Power to Create Agencies 30.
Power of Collections 31.
Power to Issue License 32.
Power to Hold Patents 33.
Power to Make Acquisitions 34.
Power to Be Registered in Foreign Countries 35.
Ancillary Powers 36.
Execution Powers The banking powers listed are but a fraction of the total powers of which large banks possess, and with certainty I can assure you that no other entity or institution on earth has this kind of power except governments, this fact clearly illustrates the obvious, and that is banks are the hidden hand rulers of the world make no mistakes about this.
So now that your understanding of the relationship to which governments have with global banks should re-orientate your behavior towards everything that convinced you that this world was based upon fairness and laws that protect the people from tyranny.
Well in truth it's all been a lie from its inception and nothing more, so what's left for you to do in the face of this global financial coup d'tat? no one set of solutions will suit everyone, but when conditions within the environment deteriorate as they have and will continue to do at an accelerated level leaves most without viable options if they are not willing to change their thinking and in doing so open up to themselves the double doors of vast possibilities and opportunities.
This discussion will continue in the next article titled Gold Bullion and The New Financial Sense.
For clarity banks lobbied hard to do away with the Glass Steagall Act which inhibited banks from creating derivatives of any kind including all of the other related instruments created by banks to leverage and make bets on a wide range of both tangible and intangibles.
However to understand why western governments are bailing out these banks many of which created the global crisis, requires that we understand where banks and governments are economically and financially today considering that money printing is the empty barrel to which governments globally continue to visit for fiscal solutions.
To begin with, banks are insolvent and most western governments who have decided to back and bailout these banks with their enormous debts amounting to three and even ten times the total GDP of these nations, have in fact taken upon themselves debts which in principle and practice can never be repaid, and has compelled these governments worldwide to impose austerity measures upon the populations of their respective populations.
But austerity by definition means to save an economy, or act of self-denial, especially in respect of something regarded as a luxury, which is not what is actually occurring, banks that fail are a luxury, not the people who work, create and contribute to the real economy.
Bankers Mentality: Now let us observe the thinking of both the governments and the bankers: Western governments have been told by the banking elite that they must bail out these large financial institutions at the expense of their citizens because if they do not, the entire financial systems worldwide will collapse in a matter of weeks, as such institutions cannot be allowed to fail.
And to add injury to insult, these elite bankers threatened governments with terrorist possibilities if they should procrastinate, these as well as other threatening incentives were virulently proposed at all levels to federal government agencies.
Government Mentality: Immediately following these threats, many governments from all around the globe began preparations of providing banks with whatever funding they wanted in return for not crashing the world economies, providing the banks with all of this bail out money would also require that governments also do the following
- Reduce public spending
- Raise age of retirement
- Cut back loans of all kinds
- Devalue the currency
- Cut salaries of state and federal employees
- Reduce unemployment benefits
- Reduce welfare programs
- States would then go further to reduce their deficits as a result
- Layoffs by the private sector would increase to great depression levels
- Labor would also be devalued
- Foreclosures would rise exponentially
- Bankruptcies would increase nation wide
Now let us look at the banks abilities, which enable these institutions so much clout on every continent in which they operate: 1.
Power of Deposit Taking 2.
Banking Global Powers 3.
Power to Issue Securities 4.
Power to Issue Credit Cards 5.
Power of Lending 6.
Statutory Powers 7.
To Act as Natural Persons 8.
To Act as Attorney-in-Fact 9.
To Act as Officers, Agent, Employees 10.
Power to Make Contracts 11.
Power to Borrow 12.
Power to Create Agencies and Joint Ventures 13.
Power of Investment 14.
Power to Deal in Goodwill 15.
Power of Donation 16.
Power of Guaranty 17.
Power of Trustee 18.
Power to Provide Confidential Accounts 19.
Power to Act as Investor Adviser 20.
Power to Act as Consultant 21.
Power to Deal in Precious Metals 22.
Power to Deal in Securities and Commodities Brokerage 23.
Power to Deal In Insurance Brokerage 24.
Power of Inventory Financing 25.
Power to Deal in Real Estate 26.
Power to Deal in Shipping 27.
Power to Create Correspondent Banking Relationships 28.
Power to Establish Bank Accounts 29.
Power to Create Agencies 30.
Power of Collections 31.
Power to Issue License 32.
Power to Hold Patents 33.
Power to Make Acquisitions 34.
Power to Be Registered in Foreign Countries 35.
Ancillary Powers 36.
Execution Powers The banking powers listed are but a fraction of the total powers of which large banks possess, and with certainty I can assure you that no other entity or institution on earth has this kind of power except governments, this fact clearly illustrates the obvious, and that is banks are the hidden hand rulers of the world make no mistakes about this.
So now that your understanding of the relationship to which governments have with global banks should re-orientate your behavior towards everything that convinced you that this world was based upon fairness and laws that protect the people from tyranny.
Well in truth it's all been a lie from its inception and nothing more, so what's left for you to do in the face of this global financial coup d'tat? no one set of solutions will suit everyone, but when conditions within the environment deteriorate as they have and will continue to do at an accelerated level leaves most without viable options if they are not willing to change their thinking and in doing so open up to themselves the double doors of vast possibilities and opportunities.
This discussion will continue in the next article titled Gold Bullion and The New Financial Sense.