Learn to Distill Booze
It's no secret Kentucky is known for making bourbon. In fact, 95 percent of the world's bourbon comes from the state of Kentucky and the spirit grows in popularity every year. Toured the Kentucky Bourbon Trail and are now itching to distill your own spirits? No problem, Louisville is the destination for learning to distill spirits too.
Educational distillery Moonshine University at Distilled Spirits Epicenter in Louisville offers workshops and distiller courses for every level. Aspiring craft spirits makers (from gin to whiskey, absinthe and rum) and bourbon enthusiasts are invited for a hands-on learning experience coupled with a crash course on the ins and outs of the beverage industry. In some cases, college credit is available.
“Entrepreneurs have come from all over the world to take our distiller courses,” said owner David Dafoe. “Many of our graduates are already successful showing there is no better place to learn how to break into the spirits business than Moonshine University.”
Here is the 2015 schedule at Moonshine University:
Enthusiast Workshops
Cost: $395
From mashing to making cuts, students explore time-honored traditions, science, and modern methods of distilling for a unique, hands-on distilling experience in this day-long beginner’s workshop.
February 20: Bourbon Making Workshop
June 29: Bourbon Making Workshop
Distiller Workshops
Cost: $1,495 to $1,995
Professional workshops offer specialized instruction in various areas of distillate production, business management and industry best practices.
February 23-24: Fermentation Workshop
March 19-20: Gin Workshop
TBA: Route to Market Workshop
April 13-14: Advanced Sensory Training
May 18-19: The Ins & Outs of Distillery Operations
June 15-16: Rum Workshop
July 27-28: Experimental Whiskey Workshop
November 9-10: Absinthe Workshop
Distiller Courses
Cost: $5,495 to $5,950
Professional distiller courses are designed to give the most comprehensive technical training and business management education in the industry. These are the first distillery workshops in the United States to offer college credit.
Jan. 19-23: 5-Day Distiller Course (sold out)
Feb. 2-6: 5-Day Rum Course
March 23-27: 5-Day Distiller Course
July 13-17: 5-Day Distiller Course
October 19-23: 5-Day Distiller Course
About Distilled Spirits Epicenter:
Located at 801 S. 8th St., Distilled Spirits Epicenter is blocks away from the Main Branch of the Louisville Free Public Library. Through hands-on distilling instruction, classes and bottling services, the Epicenter brings Kentucky’s unique distilling legacy to life. Distilled Spirits Epicenter is the sister company to Flavorman, an international custom beverage development and ingredient supply company. Flavorman’s Beverage Architects and the Epicenter’s team of distilling consultants can take your idea through every phase of beverage development and production...from start through finish. For more information, visit flavorman.com and ds-epicenter.com.