7 Natural Acne Tips To Cure Acne Fast
Acne afflicts most people at one time or another during their lives. Some of the more unfortunate among us never get rid of acne even though puberty has long since ended. Do you want to cure acne fast? These are seven natural acne tips that will help you get rid of acne in a matter of days.
1. Crush handful of mint leaves in a bowl and rub the leaves and its juice over the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water. This is one of the best home remedies for acne spots if you have painful, inflamed pimples.
2. Along with these body acne home remedies, you must keep a watch on what you are eating. Fatty foods, sugary foods, spicy foods often aggravate acne infection. Therefore, you must stay away for all such foods. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean meat. Good amount of vitamins A, E and C is important for acne control. You can take supplements to meet this requirement but only after consulting a doctor.
3. Be discipline with your sleep schedule. If you want to eliminate those pimples on your face, you need to take some time to rejuvenate and refresh your body. Sleep is important for your body because it can help you heal your acne and repair your skin. Take enough sleep every night and do not stay awake late at night.
4. Select an acne remedy treatment cream. If possible, request a prescription antibiotic cream from a physician. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic ointments are either an erythromicin gel or clindymiacin gel. Erythromicin can sometimes burn the skin so if you have sensitive skin ask to start with the more gentle clindamyacin first. Over the counter acne treatments use either salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur as the active ingredient. Benzoyl Peroxide is the most effective acne remedy, often even more effective than prescription acne medications. Prescription and over-the-counter acne remedies can be used together, but ask your doctor on how to do so as it is sometimes recommended to use one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
5. Take one serving of plain oatmeal and cook it in the same manner as if you were eating it. Add about ¼ cup of honey and mix the ingredients properly. Let the mixture cool down and apply generously all over your face. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Oatmeal helps absorb excess oil from the skin and exfoliates it. Honey is another wonderful acne spot treatment, because it works like a skin toner.
6. The acidic component of lemon juice helps in cleaning up the skin pores and reduce the size of the body acne. You can apply the concentrated form of fresh lemon juice directly on the acne. But if you find it strong for your skin, then dilute it with some water. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and apply it generously over the acne and its surrounding area. wait for 15 minutes and wash off.
7. Expel your bowel every day. This is important for your health. Natural digestive process is designed to eliminate waste and toxins from your body. If you fail to expel your bowel regularly, you will accumulate more toxins inside your body that will result in new breakouts.
1. Crush handful of mint leaves in a bowl and rub the leaves and its juice over the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water. This is one of the best home remedies for acne spots if you have painful, inflamed pimples.
2. Along with these body acne home remedies, you must keep a watch on what you are eating. Fatty foods, sugary foods, spicy foods often aggravate acne infection. Therefore, you must stay away for all such foods. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean meat. Good amount of vitamins A, E and C is important for acne control. You can take supplements to meet this requirement but only after consulting a doctor.
3. Be discipline with your sleep schedule. If you want to eliminate those pimples on your face, you need to take some time to rejuvenate and refresh your body. Sleep is important for your body because it can help you heal your acne and repair your skin. Take enough sleep every night and do not stay awake late at night.
4. Select an acne remedy treatment cream. If possible, request a prescription antibiotic cream from a physician. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic ointments are either an erythromicin gel or clindymiacin gel. Erythromicin can sometimes burn the skin so if you have sensitive skin ask to start with the more gentle clindamyacin first. Over the counter acne treatments use either salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur as the active ingredient. Benzoyl Peroxide is the most effective acne remedy, often even more effective than prescription acne medications. Prescription and over-the-counter acne remedies can be used together, but ask your doctor on how to do so as it is sometimes recommended to use one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
5. Take one serving of plain oatmeal and cook it in the same manner as if you were eating it. Add about ¼ cup of honey and mix the ingredients properly. Let the mixture cool down and apply generously all over your face. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Oatmeal helps absorb excess oil from the skin and exfoliates it. Honey is another wonderful acne spot treatment, because it works like a skin toner.
6. The acidic component of lemon juice helps in cleaning up the skin pores and reduce the size of the body acne. You can apply the concentrated form of fresh lemon juice directly on the acne. But if you find it strong for your skin, then dilute it with some water. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and apply it generously over the acne and its surrounding area. wait for 15 minutes and wash off.
7. Expel your bowel every day. This is important for your health. Natural digestive process is designed to eliminate waste and toxins from your body. If you fail to expel your bowel regularly, you will accumulate more toxins inside your body that will result in new breakouts.