My Husband Wants to Divorce Me - What Should I Do When I Don"t Want a Divorce But My Husband Does?
I personally remember the feeling I went through when my husband wanted to divorce me.
It was horrible, it was shocking.
I was committed to my husband and although things weren't going exactly stellar, I never thought that divorce was a possibility.
Not only me - most women act like this.
And then you think: "my husband wants to divorce me.
This means that he doesn't love me anymore.
Then this relationship is meaningless now - I should agree to the divorce.
" But that is simply not correct.
If you don't want a divorce, you can do things in order to change your husband's feelings and make him fall in love with you a second time.
If you say "my husband wants to divorce me", then things have come to a point where by simply talking and begging you can't sway him off of this decision.
So, trying to argue with him is completely wrong.
He is going to tell you how he's "lost it", and this will make you feel even worse, and you are going to do emotional and desperate things, which will only make him fed up with the marriage and will strengthen his decision.
For this reason, you should not argue, but agree.
Agree that the marriage isn't what it used to be, and you should make a trial separation.
Even just this will surprise your husband and make an impact on him.
Arguing with your husband is wrong, but talking to him might help you greatly in identifying what is wrong with the relationship and try to fix it.
Be very open and do not take it bad when he openly criticises you harshly for several things.
In fact, this is a good sign, because this makes him understand that you don't just want the marriage to continue, but you actually care about his feelings.
And it's definitely going to make him feel better when he is able to vent out his frustrations and feelings in an open way.
Do not get emotional during these talking moments, because this will be counterproductive with men.
I was able to save my marriage after my husband wanted to divorce me, so there's no reason you shouldn't also.
It was horrible, it was shocking.
I was committed to my husband and although things weren't going exactly stellar, I never thought that divorce was a possibility.
Not only me - most women act like this.
And then you think: "my husband wants to divorce me.
This means that he doesn't love me anymore.
Then this relationship is meaningless now - I should agree to the divorce.
" But that is simply not correct.
If you don't want a divorce, you can do things in order to change your husband's feelings and make him fall in love with you a second time.
If you say "my husband wants to divorce me", then things have come to a point where by simply talking and begging you can't sway him off of this decision.
So, trying to argue with him is completely wrong.
He is going to tell you how he's "lost it", and this will make you feel even worse, and you are going to do emotional and desperate things, which will only make him fed up with the marriage and will strengthen his decision.
For this reason, you should not argue, but agree.
Agree that the marriage isn't what it used to be, and you should make a trial separation.
Even just this will surprise your husband and make an impact on him.
Arguing with your husband is wrong, but talking to him might help you greatly in identifying what is wrong with the relationship and try to fix it.
Be very open and do not take it bad when he openly criticises you harshly for several things.
In fact, this is a good sign, because this makes him understand that you don't just want the marriage to continue, but you actually care about his feelings.
And it's definitely going to make him feel better when he is able to vent out his frustrations and feelings in an open way.
Do not get emotional during these talking moments, because this will be counterproductive with men.
I was able to save my marriage after my husband wanted to divorce me, so there's no reason you shouldn't also.