What Really Motivates Your Employees?
Do you really know what motivates your employees? In the training programs I conduct, I find that most managers don't really know.
Charles Faulkner, business writer, suggests there are two forms of motivation that most people have.
They are: 1.
away from what (we want) motivation direction 2.
motivation towards (what we want) direction Let's take a closer look at both of these approaches to maximizing your employee's motivation.
Away from what want motivation: For example the guy that won't start doing something until in his mind, he sees things like his boss yelling at him and threatening to fire him.
His motivation direction is away from pain, discomfort, and negative consequences.
Towards what we want motivation: An example for this type is the person who moves toward pleasure, rewards and goals, i.
recognition, vacation, higher commission check or bonus.
Most people to some degree are motivated by both forms of motivation-depending on the situation, i.
work or personal.
However typically they are motivated most by one or the other.
What's important here is to know what type of motivation works on each one of your employees and team members (your boss included).
The benefit is you will be able to motivate them most effectively.
How do you find out what motivates them? Ask them.
One of the best times to do this is sitting down and having a cup of coffee and discussing other topics besides the one of motivation.
Once you know what type of motivation works for each person use it consistently.
The results will amaze you.
Charles Faulkner, business writer, suggests there are two forms of motivation that most people have.
They are: 1.
away from what (we want) motivation direction 2.
motivation towards (what we want) direction Let's take a closer look at both of these approaches to maximizing your employee's motivation.
Away from what want motivation: For example the guy that won't start doing something until in his mind, he sees things like his boss yelling at him and threatening to fire him.
His motivation direction is away from pain, discomfort, and negative consequences.
Towards what we want motivation: An example for this type is the person who moves toward pleasure, rewards and goals, i.
recognition, vacation, higher commission check or bonus.
Most people to some degree are motivated by both forms of motivation-depending on the situation, i.
work or personal.
However typically they are motivated most by one or the other.
What's important here is to know what type of motivation works on each one of your employees and team members (your boss included).
The benefit is you will be able to motivate them most effectively.
How do you find out what motivates them? Ask them.
One of the best times to do this is sitting down and having a cup of coffee and discussing other topics besides the one of motivation.
Once you know what type of motivation works for each person use it consistently.
The results will amaze you.