What Is Web Promotion & Web Design?
Web promotion is a catch-all phrase for marketing a website through the internet, there are three basic types of web promotion : 1.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : The process of preparing web pages to be submitted to and ranked high in Search Engines (such as Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AOL, etc.
) If your pages are already ranked, then SEO gets your pages ranked HIGHER.
Associate/Affiliate Programs : Link referral and link exchanges - the joining of geographic or occupation-specific websites that are complimentary in services or product.
Paid Advertising : Google ad words or overture are examples of paid advertising, where you "pay-per-click" - if someone clicks on the ads from a search engine and go to your site, you get billed for that click.
What is the difference between web promotion & web design? Web Design...
encompasses the visual aspect of the site; all you see here, the graphics and style of this web page, is web design.
Web Promotion...
The promotion of a website that is already built.
Web promotion includes search engine optimization, viral marketing, creative writing, and Ad campaign management.
However, web promotion and web design work very closely together to make a website that is successful and encourages someone to buy a product or service.
Therefore, it is difficult to separate the two in terms of where one task ends and the other begins.
To complicate things further, creative writing is a collaborative effort between the owners of the site, the web designer, and the web promoter.
To operate a successful site you need great web design and superior web promotion.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : The process of preparing web pages to be submitted to and ranked high in Search Engines (such as Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AOL, etc.
) If your pages are already ranked, then SEO gets your pages ranked HIGHER.
Associate/Affiliate Programs : Link referral and link exchanges - the joining of geographic or occupation-specific websites that are complimentary in services or product.
Paid Advertising : Google ad words or overture are examples of paid advertising, where you "pay-per-click" - if someone clicks on the ads from a search engine and go to your site, you get billed for that click.
What is the difference between web promotion & web design? Web Design...
encompasses the visual aspect of the site; all you see here, the graphics and style of this web page, is web design.
Web Promotion...
The promotion of a website that is already built.
Web promotion includes search engine optimization, viral marketing, creative writing, and Ad campaign management.
However, web promotion and web design work very closely together to make a website that is successful and encourages someone to buy a product or service.
Therefore, it is difficult to separate the two in terms of where one task ends and the other begins.
To complicate things further, creative writing is a collaborative effort between the owners of the site, the web designer, and the web promoter.
To operate a successful site you need great web design and superior web promotion.