What Is Super Goat Weed?
- Super goat weed, also known as horny goat weed, is an herb primarily used to treat sexual dysfunction, according to Natural-cure.info.
- Super goat weed comes from the south central and north coast of China as well as Korea. The name horny goat weed is a literal translation of the words yin yang huo. The herb has been used in traditional Eastern medicine for 1,000 years.
- Super goat weed works by enhancing energy and detoxifying the kidneys, improving sexual performance and fertility, according to SeaCoastVitamins.com. The herb contains numerous flavonoids, water-soluble plant pigments that stop the production of estrogen and increase testosterone levels.
- Water-extracted horny goat weed has been shown to restrict new blood vessel growth, which can be useful in preventing cancerous tumors. Blood pressure and cholesterol can also be reduced by using water extracts. When combined with several other herbs, super goat weed can also be helpful in preventing dementia.
- Super goat weed is usually taken in a powdered form sealed in capsules. However, traditionally 5 g of the herb was heated in one pint of water for 10 to 15 minutes and taken three times a day.
What is it?
Where Did It Come From?
How Does It Work?
Other Benefits
How To Take It