Information on the Country of Georgia
- Georgia occupies 26,916 square miles of land that is east of the Black Sea; it is bordered by Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Georgia emerged from the ancient kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia, which date back to 1000 B.C. These kingdoms were unified by the efforts of David III the Great to consolidate power within the various polities of Georgia.
- Classical Greece, Rome and the Russian Empire influence Georgian culture. Georgians have made significant contributions to ballet, opera and cinema.
- Georgia is a republic that features autonomous regions at Abkhazia and Ajaria. South Ossetia is disputed territory---recognized by Russia as independent. The elected President serves as chief of state and head of security and defense. The prime minister oversees all other government ministries.
- Georgian agriculture is tied to the cultivation of grapes and citrus fruits. Oil pipelines span the country to capitalize upon Georgia's location between Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe.