Mao Learns about Marxism, Turns from Nationalism to Communism
After graduating from college, Mao became a library assistant, read Marx, and then became a Communist militia leader in opposition to his former party, the Kuomintang (KMT) or Nationalist party.
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1921 - Mao works at Peking University library and reads Marx
During his spare time at work, Mao delved into the writings of Marx and Engels, as well as other thinkers. It had a profound influence on his way of thinking.July 23, 1921 - Mao Attends 1st Session of Communist Party National Congress
1924 - Mao is Elected Delegate to 1st National Conference of Kuomintang
At this point, Mao was still evidently weighing both the Nationalist and Communist sides. He even organized a Hunan province branch of the KMT.March 1925 - KMT Leader Sun Yat-Sen Dies, Chiang Kai-Shek Takes Over
Chiang and Mao did not get along; how much influence this personality clash had on the course of events is difficult to gauge.April 1927 - Chiang Kai-Shek Attacks Communists in Shanghai Massacre
Chiang Kai-Shek ordered a purge of all Communists from the Kuomintang. Several hundred people are known to have been killed, and about 5,000 more disappeared.1927 - Mao Returns to Hunan, Meets with Communist Party
Mao wanted to organize the peasant uprisings that were springing up across the countryside.Sept. 1927 - Mao Leads Autumn Harvest Uprising in Changsha, Hunan
The Autumn Harvest Uprising was the first communist revolt in China. Mao led an army of peasants against the landlords of Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces, as well as the Kuomintang (Nationalist) army. He sought to establish the Hunan Soviet Republic. The uprising was quickly quashed by the Kuomintang, and Mao retreated into the Jinggang Mountains, armed with his first guerrilla fighting experience.1930 - KMT Sends More Than 1 Million Soldiers Against Mao's Troops
Chiang Kai-Shek sent five separate waves of soldiers against the Communist forces in an attempt to squash the opposition before it could get properly entrenched.May 1930 - Mao Marries Third Wife, He Zizhen
She was a fellow revolutionary soldier. As far as the records show, Mao was at this time still married to Yang Kaihui as well.Oct. 1930 - Kuomintang captures Yang Kaihui and Son; Kaihui is Executed
The KMT brutally tortured Mao's second wife in front of their son, and then killed her. Mao Anying was eventually released.To "Mao Gathers Power and Fame" >