Steps to a Proven Cure ofPanic Attacks - Symptoms and Causes - Treatment Forever
It can progress to being so numb you can't move your fingers or speak.
I have seen this happen to a young girl taken from her job to an ambulance.
She was OK but it caused her to quit her job that she had worked at for 6 years and she almost did not finish college because of a fear of another panic attack, especially while driving.
Her young active life was put on hold for quite awhile.
She became like an old person with too many health problems to really have a quality of life anymore.
What could possibly cause such drastic symptoms in a healthy person? As Joe Barry, the creator of the best selling PANIC AWAY PROGRAM puts it, "The short and obvious answer: panic attacks are caused by high anxiety.
But what exactly is anxiety? Understanding how anxiety crops up will help you defeat panic attacks.
" The definition of anxiety is the state of apprehension or fear resulting from the anticipation of a real or imagined threat, event, or situation.
So reading between the lines, anticipation is a major culprit in this debilitating state of awareness.
If you can get rid of the anticipation or fear, then you will have it licked.
It is easier said than done but with some help, it is highly doable.
With symptoms like these...
*fast heart beat *dizziness *blurred vision *breathlessness *tingling or numbness in hands, feet or face *impaired speech *seeing stars *suffocating feeling *nausea *dry mouth *trembling *aches and pains ...
and many more symptoms too numerous to list.
Ironically, anxiety is a built in automatic response to protect us from danger.
In the case of an anxiety attack the danger is not real but only perceived by the mind.
But that still does not stop the sympathetic nervous system from overreacting and causing the "fight or flight" response that is responsible for the unusual sensations throughout the body.
Many things can trigger a panic attack besides fear and apprehension.
Some are...
Artificial light 2.
Computer Monitors 3.
Television screens 4.
Food allergies 5.
Fatigue 6.
Stress 7.
Sugar 8.
Caffeine 9.
Alcohol Through a relaxation technique the parasympathetic nervous system can step in and return the body to a calm relaxed state once again.
Eventually the parasympathetic nervous system perceives that there is no real danger and learns to keep calm even though a person may be in anticipation or fear.
I have seen this happen to a young girl taken from her job to an ambulance.
She was OK but it caused her to quit her job that she had worked at for 6 years and she almost did not finish college because of a fear of another panic attack, especially while driving.
Her young active life was put on hold for quite awhile.
She became like an old person with too many health problems to really have a quality of life anymore.
What could possibly cause such drastic symptoms in a healthy person? As Joe Barry, the creator of the best selling PANIC AWAY PROGRAM puts it, "The short and obvious answer: panic attacks are caused by high anxiety.
But what exactly is anxiety? Understanding how anxiety crops up will help you defeat panic attacks.
" The definition of anxiety is the state of apprehension or fear resulting from the anticipation of a real or imagined threat, event, or situation.
So reading between the lines, anticipation is a major culprit in this debilitating state of awareness.
If you can get rid of the anticipation or fear, then you will have it licked.
It is easier said than done but with some help, it is highly doable.
With symptoms like these...
*fast heart beat *dizziness *blurred vision *breathlessness *tingling or numbness in hands, feet or face *impaired speech *seeing stars *suffocating feeling *nausea *dry mouth *trembling *aches and pains ...
and many more symptoms too numerous to list.
Ironically, anxiety is a built in automatic response to protect us from danger.
In the case of an anxiety attack the danger is not real but only perceived by the mind.
But that still does not stop the sympathetic nervous system from overreacting and causing the "fight or flight" response that is responsible for the unusual sensations throughout the body.
Many things can trigger a panic attack besides fear and apprehension.
Some are...
Artificial light 2.
Computer Monitors 3.
Television screens 4.
Food allergies 5.
Fatigue 6.
Stress 7.
Sugar 8.
Caffeine 9.
Alcohol Through a relaxation technique the parasympathetic nervous system can step in and return the body to a calm relaxed state once again.
Eventually the parasympathetic nervous system perceives that there is no real danger and learns to keep calm even though a person may be in anticipation or fear.