Log Cabins - A New Type of Home?
Log homes are gaining in popularity amongst people, especially urban dwellers who are looking for something much different from their small city townhouses and flats.
Although people who have grown up in the country or smaller towns and communities might be very common with log homes and their appearance, people who have grown up in the city still see it as something very new and exciting.
To these people looking to make a purchase of a home in a more rustic environment, the log home is a very new concept.
Of course they have at least seen them on TV or in magazines and they know what they are sort of about, the idea of living in one still seems very romantic or rugged and strong and very unique.
When people are looking for homes as vacation property, it a very natural environment with lots of trees and birds and woods and its animals, the log home really does complete the vision of this dream.
It really is the landmark in the vision of living in the woods at one with nature and waking up to birds chirping and rodents scuttling about outside and not honking horns and sirens.
Something else which is making these houses seem new and exciting is how far they have progressed into being homes, and even mansions.
These homes are no longer small one room cabins with a sink and chair and stove to keep warm, many of them have many bathrooms and bedrooms.
They have become quite large.
The design and architecture as grown with modern concepts and allows people with a modern design interest to combine the new and functional with the traditional and rooted.
Log homes are a new way of living to many and those people are very interested.
Although people who have grown up in the country or smaller towns and communities might be very common with log homes and their appearance, people who have grown up in the city still see it as something very new and exciting.
To these people looking to make a purchase of a home in a more rustic environment, the log home is a very new concept.
Of course they have at least seen them on TV or in magazines and they know what they are sort of about, the idea of living in one still seems very romantic or rugged and strong and very unique.
When people are looking for homes as vacation property, it a very natural environment with lots of trees and birds and woods and its animals, the log home really does complete the vision of this dream.
It really is the landmark in the vision of living in the woods at one with nature and waking up to birds chirping and rodents scuttling about outside and not honking horns and sirens.
Something else which is making these houses seem new and exciting is how far they have progressed into being homes, and even mansions.
These homes are no longer small one room cabins with a sink and chair and stove to keep warm, many of them have many bathrooms and bedrooms.
They have become quite large.
The design and architecture as grown with modern concepts and allows people with a modern design interest to combine the new and functional with the traditional and rooted.
Log homes are a new way of living to many and those people are very interested.