How to Change the Look and Feel in NetBeans
- 1). Click the Windows orb and then “Internet Explorer. Click the Internet Explorer address bar and type the Project Kenai download URL ( and press “Enter.” Click the "Projects" item in the left pane.
- 2). Type "Substance" into the search box and press "Enter."
- 3). Click "NetBeans Substance Look and Feel Plugin" and then "Downloads." Click the "Updates" item.
- 4). Click each link that ends in ".nbm" and then click "Save" for each one.
- 5). Open the NetBeans program. Click the “Tools” menu then “Plugins." Click the “Downloaded” tab.
- 6). Click “Add Plugins” and navigate to the downloaded LAF module files. Click on an LAF module file and click “Open.” Repeat this step for each downloaded module file.
- 7). Click to select the check box beside each plug-in listed. Click “Install” and then “Next.” Read the license agreement and if you accept the terms, click the “I accept the terms in all of the license agreements” check box.
- 8). Click the “Install” button and then “Continue” when prompted by a validation warning.
- 9). Click “Finish” to restart the NetBeans program. Wait for the NetBeans program to start.
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Click “Tools," “Options” and then “Miscellaneous.” - 11
Click the “Look and Feel” tab and then the Look and Feel drop-down box. Click a LAF option and click “OK.” Restart the NetBeans program.