How to Attach a Direct Link to a Picture
- 1). Click on the Windows "Start" button, click on "All Programs," then click on the "Notepad" shortcut icon. This will launch Microsoft Windows Notepad.
- 2). Navigate the picture you would like to link to. Copy the URL by clicking on the address bar, highlighting the entire URL and hitting "CTRL + C"
- 3). Insert the following HTML code into Notepad:
<p><img src=></p>
Paste your URL between the = and > and put quotation marks around it. - 4). Press "CTRL + S" on your keyboard to launch the file save dialog box in Notepad. Change the file save location to the Windows Desktop, change the file type from ".txt" to "All Files," name the file "image.html," then click on the "Save" button. This will save the HTML document to your Windows Desktop.
- 5). Go to the Windows Desktop and double-click on "image.html." This will open the file in your web browser and will display your chosen image.