Building an Internet Home Based Business in Your Spare Time
How do you build an internet home based business in your spare time, when you have a job, a family and other obligations? Where do you find the time? There is time, the secret is to use the time that you have available, leverage down time or replace certain activities.
Let's look at how you can build an internet home based business - even if you have a full plate.
Only you knows your own schedule intimately.
The first thing you should do? Find the gaps in time where you can squeeze in some activities that will build your business.
See, most people think that they have to use every waking minute to build a business.
That is not necessarily true.
You can drop activities into your day and still have some time to yourself at night.
It may not be easy, but it can be done.
Trust me, I have worked full time, gone home to take care of my infant daughter and still sold stuff on Amazon and Craigslist.
It can be done.
Next, in order to build an internet home based business, you need to do the tasks that will make you money and NOT do the tasks that won't make you money.
I will say that again.
DO the tasks that make you money.
DON'T DO the tasks that won't make you money.
Blogging is good, but it doesn't make you money.
Marketing your blog will make you money.
Checking email 50 times a day? Doesn't make you money.
Responding to someone who is interested in working with you? MONEYMAKER! Finding the right color for your website? FAIL.
Putting calls to action at the end of your blog posts.
BINGO! You get the idea.
Replacing your time Do you know how much time I spend watching TV? It is 1.
5 - 2 hours.
A week.
TV is a time sucker, an adult pacifier and can be a source of negativity that is a total income killer.
Instead, use this precious time to build something that can make you money.
Work on personal development by attending a class or watching a video.
Anything but that gosh darn boob tube.
Your brain will thank you for it later.
And guess what? Enhancing your brain almost always makes you produce more valuable content - blogs posts, articles, videos, podcasts or whatever you put out there.
I have invested hours and hours of retraining my brain.
Now, whenever I open my mouth, people are taking notice and shoving business cards in my hand.
They want me to call them.
That wasn't happening a year ago, before all the hours of personal development! Another valuable time resource your can use is your commute.
Americans spend about 300 hours a year in their cars.
Can you imagine all the learning that can go on? What about when your child is napping, or playing quietly with a favorite toy? In fact, let your child hear the wonderful, inspirational messages you are listening to.
It will get into their young, spongy brains and in turn, they will find success earlier in life.
Keep Fine Tuning and Hacking Away the Nonsense I admit, I spend a lot of time on Facebook.
I get leads from there for my internet home based business.
But there is a point when the time your are spending and the return on investment is totally out of whack.
Cut back on that time.
Unsubscribe from email lists that have nothing to do with your business or improving your life.
Cut back on your visits to that friend that does nothing but complain.
If you follow these steps, you will surprise yourself at the amount of time you have available.
You will be amazed at how much you can get done.
Eventually, you will find you have lots of time for your business.
Let's look at how you can build an internet home based business - even if you have a full plate.
Only you knows your own schedule intimately.
The first thing you should do? Find the gaps in time where you can squeeze in some activities that will build your business.
See, most people think that they have to use every waking minute to build a business.
That is not necessarily true.
You can drop activities into your day and still have some time to yourself at night.
It may not be easy, but it can be done.
Trust me, I have worked full time, gone home to take care of my infant daughter and still sold stuff on Amazon and Craigslist.
It can be done.
Next, in order to build an internet home based business, you need to do the tasks that will make you money and NOT do the tasks that won't make you money.
I will say that again.
DO the tasks that make you money.
DON'T DO the tasks that won't make you money.
Blogging is good, but it doesn't make you money.
Marketing your blog will make you money.
Checking email 50 times a day? Doesn't make you money.
Responding to someone who is interested in working with you? MONEYMAKER! Finding the right color for your website? FAIL.
Putting calls to action at the end of your blog posts.
BINGO! You get the idea.
Replacing your time Do you know how much time I spend watching TV? It is 1.
5 - 2 hours.
A week.
TV is a time sucker, an adult pacifier and can be a source of negativity that is a total income killer.
Instead, use this precious time to build something that can make you money.
Work on personal development by attending a class or watching a video.
Anything but that gosh darn boob tube.
Your brain will thank you for it later.
And guess what? Enhancing your brain almost always makes you produce more valuable content - blogs posts, articles, videos, podcasts or whatever you put out there.
I have invested hours and hours of retraining my brain.
Now, whenever I open my mouth, people are taking notice and shoving business cards in my hand.
They want me to call them.
That wasn't happening a year ago, before all the hours of personal development! Another valuable time resource your can use is your commute.
Americans spend about 300 hours a year in their cars.
Can you imagine all the learning that can go on? What about when your child is napping, or playing quietly with a favorite toy? In fact, let your child hear the wonderful, inspirational messages you are listening to.
It will get into their young, spongy brains and in turn, they will find success earlier in life.
Keep Fine Tuning and Hacking Away the Nonsense I admit, I spend a lot of time on Facebook.
I get leads from there for my internet home based business.
But there is a point when the time your are spending and the return on investment is totally out of whack.
Cut back on that time.
Unsubscribe from email lists that have nothing to do with your business or improving your life.
Cut back on your visits to that friend that does nothing but complain.
If you follow these steps, you will surprise yourself at the amount of time you have available.
You will be amazed at how much you can get done.
Eventually, you will find you have lots of time for your business.